Steyn on the Democratic race

Since the election seems to offer us no hopeful prospects, we may at least get some laughs out of it. With all the characters, charlatans, and outright psychos that have been running for the Democratic presidential nomination, that is not difficult. Here’s a highlight from a Mark Steyn column sending up Kerry and Edwards:

So, having anointed Mr. Kerry as the unDean, a significant chunk of Democrats are now looking around for the unKerry. The only guy available is Senator Edwards, the prettyboy trial lawyer from North Carolina. He’s 50 but looks about 13, which is kind of refreshing after that strange feeling you get a third of a way into Mr. Kerry’s stump speech that your body’s atrophying and crumbling to dust

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 23, 2004 08:09 AM | Send

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