The treasonous liberal media

Flashback to November 14, 2001. The late Michael Kelly had written a column on the stunning pessimism expressed by U.S. liberal media types in the face of our great breakthrough in northern Afghanistan against the Taliban. I sent the article to some people adding my own observations on the same phenomenon:

I read this Michael Kelly column after seeing Nightline and Charlie Rose on Tuesday night. All the news guys and commentators, such as Charlie Rose and the creepy Michael Gordon of the New York Times, were grim, concerned, worried, unhappy. This extraordinary success in Afghanistan—when just a week ago many of these same people were saying things were going very badly and maybe we should stop the fighting!—and instead of celebrating this success they are finding a whole new set of things to worry about, e.g.:

- Are the Northern Alliance killing Taliban prisoners? (Oh, how shocking.)

- How will the U.S. handle the more difficult Pashtun areas in the south? (Hey, just a few days ago we didn’t even think we’d be able to break through in the North!)

- Will there be (in the words of the grim-faced Chris Bury on Nightline) a “diplomatic nightmare” as a result of taking Kabul? (His guest replied, “No, but it may produce diplomatic problems.” Gosh—diplomatic problems! Things really ARE going bad, aren’t they?)

And on and on it goes.

I never saw until this moment how truly treasonous the liberal media are. In their hearts they want America to fail, they want America to be defeated. They are unhappy when America is successful against its mortal enemies

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 19, 2004 08:40 AM | Send

I used to joke during this period of the war in Afghanistan that if I saw a major network talking head looking sad at the beginning of a newscast, it was good news; if he looked cheerful, disaster had just befallen us somewhere. Unfortunately, it is no joke. I almost never watch a major network for anything anymore.

Posted by: Clark Coleman on February 19, 2004 9:33 AM

There is at least one thing that makes liberal media types happy. When they report that Americans are being displaced by “immigrants,” they become overcome with joy. I’ve seen this plenty of times in both print and electronic media.

Posted by: David on February 19, 2004 10:17 AM
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