San Francisco officials not fired for “marrying” homo couples

A correspondent writes:

I was thinking this evening how strange it was that Alabama Supreme court judge Roy Moore was ruined over the Ten Commandments flap, stripped of his job, and the monument removed; but elected officials in California, in direct defiance of the law, falsely marry gay couples; and there are no repercussions. Where are the troops to remove these people getting false marriage licenses? Where is the judicial body that is getting ready to impeach the Mayor of the city by the bay? Americans just don’t seem to understand what dangerous times we are in.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 15, 2004 05:14 AM | Send

Yet more evidence, as if any were needed, that what pleases to call itself liberalism is utterly lawless in the pursuit of its obsessions. Any reference to constitutions, legal precedents, even civil rights, is merely a tactic, easily discarded once no longer useful.

Posted by: Shrewsbury on February 15, 2004 10:57 AM

I totally agree with Mr. Auster’s complaint when comparing the ousting of Judge Moore but the reverse treatment to officials in city government who blatantly performed marital vows in the absence of legal authority. The ritual was in violation of state and federal law. Where are the editorialists in times and situations like this? At least this forum of the exchange of ideas is usefulk in alerting others of the dangers of the abuse of power within government itself.

Posted by: Edwin Vogt on February 15, 2004 11:53 AM

It brings to mind the Clintons having more than 400 FBI files, all on Republicans, in their unlawful possession, and the news media acted like it was a little faux pas that had been corrected by their belated return to the FBI.

Meanwhile, Charles Colson went to federal prison during the Nixon/Watergate era for several years. His crime? Having in his unlawful possession a single FBI file from a Democrat who was on the White House “enemies list”.

Posted by: Clark Coleman on February 15, 2004 1:24 PM

I am a dogmatist; tend to pontificate on all topics. I begin with what I refer to as the ‘core of truth’. Am I perhaps also an absolutist? Certainly, in many respects. But the advantages are beyond measure. Whereas most people tend to argue their points from the wrong perspective, the end results are of no value. Nothing solved, nothing accomplished. All of our reasoning, arguments, and varied opinions on a host of subjects are meaningless unless their is a view for corrective change. Consider the situation with City Hall in Sin Francisco (pun, intended).Can we, rational human beings with some degree of normalcy, perceive a rightful end to this mess on the West Coast? Will the courts defend us and contribute in their role to interpret for us the legality of the actions of those officials who blatantly defied authority? Can the citizenry arouse themselves to the stage where redress must be made in this affair? Is there anyone who can throw down the gauntlet and say, “This is wrong, this is in violation of the law?” What is the sense of even posting these comments when it seems the concern is not really there. Too many talking heads and too much to say about nothing that makes sense is the problem we face in America. The newspeople tell us what’s wrong out there but nobody seems to be listening or care enough to make it right. It is not the liberal who is destroying our rights. It is all outside that spectrum who refuse to get involved and make their voices heard through the many channels available. Enough said. I do make much but not out of nothing!

Posted by: Edwin Vogt on February 15, 2004 5:35 PM

I’ve lived in that area most of my life, and that city is lost. I’ve watched it happen, and it pains me to view it. Can you believe that a duly elected mayor of such an important city to tourism and local business would put gang bangers to ride on buses “to make them secure”? Yes, Willie Brown did just that—and the people let him do it (The crime rate didn’t drop, by the way). There isn’t ONE conservative in any elected position in San Francisco—and there hasn’t been one there for 25 years. The usual suspect pressure groups yield the REAL power there. Because there is no “other party” (former Mayor Jordan, the former police chief, was about as “conservative” as the man he was running against, and he was equally corrupt), there are no checks on the power the left has in every area of city government. If there are any Republicans in San Francisco, most of them are too scared to admit it. Actually, I do know of ONE Republican—a famous restaurant’s owner in North Beach. The city is like “an island of hell” surrounded by a saner world. It is a dying city. Many of the people there are dying, though the AIDS drugs have until now keep so many of them alive and looking so relatively well that they can carry on their suicidal lifestyle unhindered. Political correctness, fear of being branded a “homophobe” and losing business/being blackballed, corruption and the facism of the left have ruined that charming, once lovely city.

The state is lost as well—until the GOP is someday taken over by conservatives. Since Reagan left as governor, there’s been a huge void in Sacramento. The Republicans in the state legislature have no power. Some of the very best have retired. The “base”—most of which went hog wild for Ahnold in the Recall election—has been co-opted by Bush’s front men like David Dreier and Ahnold or they are simply afraid of going against Bush. There is real fear in the CRP (California Republican Party) that the base is split and will not come out energized for a man who has stabbed them in the back on illegal aliens, the economy and nation building in Iraq, a country that for the most part hates us. The state is losing businesses to low tax states and offshore. The jobs people lost here in Silicon Valley are NOT coming back. You would think this would be prime for conservatives “cleaning house” in the CRP leadership and elsewhere in CA politics. Yet, they are either afraid of going against Bush and what he could do to them—or they love him and the cheap labor his policies bring and want to keep the status quo.

Posted by: dj on February 16, 2004 4:09 AM

This travesty has been going on for more than a week now. It even looks like other States and cities will shortly join in the attack. If any one had any doubts about the near total control the left has over the state and federal judiciaries in this country, they should look no further than the various judicial and governmental responses to this overt lawlessness.

What is Mr. Bush’s response? He’s “troubled”!

Posted by: Carl on February 21, 2004 4:11 PM

He had a similar response to the Lewinksy scandal: he said either (I’m not positive of the original quote) that he was “embarrassed” by it, or (slightly less pathetic) that it was “embarrassing.” He never contemned Clinton over his trashing of the Presidency and of the country. One of the two decisive reasons I didn’t vote for him.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on February 21, 2004 4:43 PM
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