Weyrich warns Bush on immigration plan

In a two week-old press release that I just found out about, Paul Weyrich says that Bush’s immigration plan could cost him the election.

[T]he President has come up with a policy decision that may cause enough of his coalition to vote for a third party or to stay at home. I believe his re-election is endangered if the race turns out to be close.

Certainly there was no sign in Bush’s State of the Union address last week that he had gotten Weyrich’s message.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 26, 2004 04:07 PM | Send

No one knows whether Bush wants to be President of the Southwest more than President of America. But I’ll bet his ego is big enough to want re-election to the American presidency, if only to further his ambition of being a President of the Southwest. So he will pretend again that he is responsible about immigration without saying read my lips. Look for a blend of empty words and some substance designed to get him past the election when he can go back to his characteristic behavior of sitting on American law enforcers while he and his Mexican co-conspirators plan and continue their invasion. Hopefully enough people will realize that a politician’s characteristic behavior doesn’t lose its magnetism just because an election is coming up.

Posted by: P Murgos on January 26, 2004 5:17 PM

My daily e-mail brings me constant sentences like “….former Republican..”, ” I am in search of a third choice..” I will NEVER vote for W now that he has done this…”…..they all stem from the amnesty plan for the 12 million illegal aliens that are colonizing our country. Mr Rove has done what we have been trying to do for years….he put the topic front, center and on the hot burner.
This conservative cannot vote for the President again. With this and his spending spree, he has put himself in the Democratic wing of the Republican Party. Mexico may eventually be successful in balkanizing our republic. But not on my watch.

Posted by: D.A. King on January 27, 2004 10:17 AM
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