Dems see U.S. as an oligarchy

We are, according to Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschel in his response to President Bush’s State of the Union address, “a country that restricts its rewards to the privileged few.” That, of course, is candidate’s John Edwards’s theme as well. What country are these Democrats living in? Have they never heard of the Great American Middle Class? What do they think this is, a South American oligarchy?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 20, 2004 10:21 PM | Send

How ironic that Daschle and Edwards, two members of the liberal oligarchy that is well on the way to taking complete control of this country, have the sheer chutzpah to talk about this. Mssrs. Daschle and Edwards aren’t proposing the repeal of any treaties undermining US sovereignty or any reduction in legal immigration ot even enforcing the laws on the books pertaining to illegal immmigration, are they? They’re just spoiled rich boys who like to pretend they aren’t members of the ruling elite.

Posted by: Carl on January 21, 2004 6:01 AM

The democrats’ comments are simply the usual attempt to mobilize as much envy as possible in an election season. A market economy does not result in equality, even if it provides a general prosperity that would allow for most the luxury of cultivating virtue - if they were so inclined. So inequality, which is always with us, and was even under the totalitarian systems that purported to eliminate it, always affords a basis for appealing to the worst in people by mobilizing envy. Behind all these arguments is the vulgar assumption that money is class. Also, the notion that the country “restricts its rewards” falsely implies that there is no market economy, only a planned allocation, and that the alternative is a different allocation that democrats are offering. Most of the fools supporting democrats would themselves be targeted for redistributive attack under any such scheme, but they fool themselves that someone else (“the rich”) would pay for all. Thus they are both stupid and immoral.

Posted by: thucydides on January 21, 2004 6:16 PM

The politicians are owned by corporations who often employ relations, sometimes familial, of these politicians.

The system is run for the benefit of the few, there is no question. Hamilton would have applauded this assumption, yet you deny it or attempt to reassign the value that Democrats place on it.

That essentially avoids the subject. Where do you stand? It’s not clear, but anti-immigration is certainly not the solution. Immigration expands the middle class and brings highly skilled people to the country and stimulates the economy.

The Democrat establishment is not separate from the Republican establishment. Both parties have detractors to the American Oligarchy, that’s the essence of conflict that is built into the Constitution. The Democrats are arguing that it is out of balance and that balance must be returned and I agree.

Posted by: dc on May 13, 2004 9:49 PM

However, I don’t believe them, but domestically and abroad they are a better alternative than four more years of Bush.

Posted by: dc on May 13, 2004 9:51 PM

dc has no understanding of what immigration is doing to this country. The vast majority of illegals pouring across our open borders, no doubt along with Al-Quaeda cells and suitcase nukes, are not middle class. In fact, they are mostly unskilled workers brought so that the mandated minimum wage for American unskilled labor can be avoided. At the same time, they get all their healthcare and education at taxpayer expense. Since they are typically paid in cash, the only taxes these immigrants pay are sales taxes on liquor and tobacco.

To repeat my earlier statement, the Democrats are a total fraud when they posture themselves as the party of the common people. Senator Heinz-Kerry is a shining example of one of the ruling elite who blovates about “Benedict Arnold CEOs” to the dumbed-down citizenry and later qualifies this remark when hobknobbing with the fat cats by saying he only was referring to CEOs who renouced their citizenship to avoid taxes. Laying off Americans to outsource the work to a sweatshop or slave labor camp in China is fine and dandy with him. Face reality, dc.

Posted by: Carl on May 13, 2004 11:52 PM
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