Democrat: The Dems are unpatriotic

Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as anti-Americanism. Here is writer Orson Scott Card, a Democrat who says he plans to vote Republican in 2004, in an extraordinary article reprinted at Opinion Journal (Note: my posting of this article, as will be made evident below, is not intended as an endorsement of the Republican party, but as a statement about the current reality of the Democratic party):

Am I saying that critics of the war aren’t patriotic?

Not at all—I’m a critic of some aspects of the war. What I’m saying is that those who try to paint the bleakest, most anti-American, and most anti-Bush picture of the war, whose purpose is not criticism but deception in order to gain temporary political advantage, those people are indeed not patriotic. They have placed their own or their party’s political gain ahead of the national struggle to destroy the power base of the terrorists who attacked Americans abroad and on American soil.

Patriots place their loyalty to their country in time of war ahead of their personal and party ambitions. And they can wrap themselves in the flag and say they “support our troops” all they like—but it doesn’t change the fact that their program is to promote our defeat at the hands of our enemies for their temporary political advantage.

Earlier, I had hoped that some more or less rational Democratic candidate might emerge making possible a competitive race against President Bush. As I’ve said before, I want Bush to lose, because if he’s re-elected, I see no hope for a Republican and conservative recovery from Bush’s ruinous leftward drift. The sad reality, however, is that the madness of the Democrats assures Bush’s re-election and an increased Republican majority in the Congress. The only consolation is that at least the Democrats will get what they deserve.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 23, 2003 04:24 PM | Send

Both parties with very few individuals exempted have betrayed America.

Right now I see major storm clouds building. This countries freedom is on the precipice and very few are even noticing.

Posted by: Victoria on December 25, 2003 10:27 PM

There is normally a great reluctance to accuse one’s fellow citizens of a lack of patriotism. The nation state is our most important common affiliation when it comes to defense against murderous attacks from abroad, so any charge of a lack of patriotism seems harsh indeed, if there is any doubt in the matter. Today of course many democrats are pre-emptively raising the claim that Republicans are accusing them of it, even though they have not in fact done so. This bespeaks an at least inner acknowledgement that their actions are likely to raise this question in the public mind. I cannot remember a time in which the out of office party has engaged in such bitter hate-ridden attacks against a commander in chief in time of war. Surely this will be a disastrous tactic for those who employ it. Going beyond the immediate issue of the war, one might ask whether someone dedicated to the leftist point of view is not inherently unpatriotic or anti-American, in the sense that they clearly reject important principles of our founding, which were to secure the possibility of the individual pursuing his aims free of abuse and coercion from others, including government. The liberal vision, on the other hand, is of a society directed and controlled by an elite from the center, in which the individual is utterly devalued. The leftist sees the state as the vehicle for the coercive achievement of a secular utopia along socialist lines. Isn’t the liberal or leftist vision so inimical to our founding principles that it is reasonable to call it and those who hold it “un-American?”

Posted by: thucydides on December 26, 2003 11:07 AM

The essence of American liberalism is that it is a compromise between an un-patriotic, anti-American, radical core, and a mainstream, patriotic, responsible facade. But the compromise keeps breaking down, and it gets harder and harder for liberals to maintain the mainstream appearance.

In this connection, see my brief article at Front Page, The Hilarious Dilemma of Liberal Patriotism,

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on December 26, 2003 11:28 AM
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