Moslem attacks may force Jews to leave Europe

Daniel Pipes comments on the suppressed-and-then-leaked EU report on Moslem Jew-hatred in Europe, and concludes:

This study and its attempted suppression point to two important facts: the unpleasant reality that exists on the streets of Europe and the EU’s deep reluctance to face that reality.

Neither of these facts is new; this author wrote back in 1992 that for world Jewry, “Muslim anti-Semitism is an increasing problem, and in large part this has to do with the ever-growing population of Muslims in the West;” and the EU’s unwillingness to confront the pattern of anti-Jewish hostility emerging from Muslim religious, media, and educational institutions is also decades old.

Unless Europeans find the strength forthrightly to address this problem—and all indicators suggest that is unlikely—there is reason to expect a general Jewish exodus from Europe, perhaps along the lines of the general Jewish exodus from Muslim countries a half century ago.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 21, 2003 09:44 PM | Send

I’ve just downloaded and read through the controversial EUMC-commissioned study entitled “Manifestations of anti-Semitism in the European Union”. To be frank, what struck me was not so much the obvious dog-bites-man statements about the key role of young Muslims in fostering anti-Semitic violence (no news that), as the very broad-brush definition of what constitutes anti-Semitism. If the report is to be believed, something like half the population of Europe comes under the rubric ‘anti-Semitic’, more or less any criticism whatsoever of Jewish behaviour being viewed as some kind of ‘prejudice’ and as though it were the start of a slippery slope to the Shoah.

I’m not referring to the beer-swilling skinheads who desecrate and vandalise Jewish tombstones with swastika graffiti or to brainless Arab ‘intellectuals’ who believe such absurdities as the conspiracy theory of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, or to sophistical philosophers like Ted Honderich who justify Palestinian suicide bombings on the grounds of ethnic self-defence. I’m referring rather to people who answer in the affirmative to such interview questions as “Jews are often more loyal to Israel than to their own country.” According to footnote 48 on page 20 of the document, 51% of European gentiles believe this ‘prejudice’ – although it is a pretty obvious truth at least where certain European countries are concerned. For example, the leading German Jewish organisation calls itself the ‘Central Council of Jews in Germany’. Note: Jews in Germany – not German Jews. No need to ask where their loyalty primarily lies – and who can blame them?

The report also states (page 9) that “Jews are basically imagined to be a nationally and internationally influential group, allegedly controlling politics and the economy”. OK - leave out the last six words. Perhaps Jews are ‘imagined’ to be influential because they ARE influential. Given that their average IQ is one standard deviation above the European norm, that’s not awfully surprising. But according to the report, it’s another manifestation of prejudice, stereotyping etc etc.

The ‘recommendations’ section has to be read to be believed. The report calls for more Holocaust education in the schools – i.e. yet more guilt tripping for Caucasian gentiles. No direct mention of the Gulag, needless to say – the slaughter of non-Jews doesn’t matter all that much and certainly no grounds for turning on the waterworks. And EU Member States are also recommended to “undertake initiatives to become members of [the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research]’. Not to mention the report’s fulsome praise for such initiatives as the ‘International Day against Fascism and anti-Semitism’ – i.e., international day to denigrate as primitive nativists any European gentiles who wish to protect their ethnic, cultural and religious heritage from destruction.

I’m not all that surprised the EUMC tried to shelve the report - my impression (possibly exaggerated) is that the authors treat gentiles as epsilon-minus semi-morons who need sensitivity training to cure them of their biases. It could almost have been written by the fanatics of the ADL. But, then, perhaps a little bit of anti-Semitism helps them ‘circle the wagons’.

At any rate, if you want to pour fuel on the fire of anti-Semitism, reports like that are the way to do it. Ironically, Jews in Europe are now complaining about the adverse effects on themselves of the multiculturalism and open-doors immigration policies that many of them have been propagandizing for decades. If they want to reverse the consequences of the Muslim invasion of Europe, it might help if they had a look at the beam in their own eye.

Posted by: Charles Copeland on December 22, 2003 7:56 AM

I have not looked at the study, but from Mr. Copeland’s description of it, it sounds pretty much like your typical Anti-Defamation League study of anti-Semitism, in which affirmative answers to the most anodyne questions about Jews constitute evidence of anti-Semitism.

There is a real problem here. On one hand, there is REAL anti-Semitism in the world, and it has increased markedly in the last couple of years. On the other hand, Jewish organizations seem to consider ANY critical thought about Jews to be anti-Semitic, and so exaggerate the problem. The craziness of this is, that Jews sometimes end up ignoring the real and dangerous forms of anti-Semitism, while attacking other supposedly anti-Semitic phenomena that are not really anti-Semitic, or that are very mildly anti-Semitic.

One example is to make a huge deal about the mild anti-Semitism (if that’s what it is) of Le Pen, who, if he were in charge, would actually reduce real anti-Semitism in Europe by reversing Moslem immigration.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on December 22, 2003 8:21 AM

Europe’s loss will be Israel and America’s gain. Enjoy Shariah you Eurotrash appeasers.

Posted by: Joel on December 22, 2003 11:19 AM


This is all REAL easy to understand…

1. When the Jews were really orthodox, many of them actually believed in morality—and that was during mostly pagan times. Thus, they were not too popular.

2. With the fall of the Temple in AD 70, the original Judaism concept disappeared, to be replaced by a sort of wisdom/rabbinical cult. The morality was still there, but was now buried with Talmudic trappings and man-made “wisdom”. You might recall that the greatest Jew of all time preached against this quite a bit…

3. During the early AD period, MANY Jews converted, but the rest became the Diaspora—keeping to themselves, and creating all sorts of suspicion amongst their neighbors.

4. With the advent of the plague of Islam, and perceived threats from Christendom, Jews often aligned themselves with Muslims, and at least in Spain, got themselves kicked out of their “host” country.

5. As many Jews ended up in E Europe, and were persecuted by the Czars, they felt that anything was better than that, so they were disproportionately invovled in the Bolshies. However, lots of Euros did not like the Bolshies (they had some sense back then), so this gave them another reason to hate the Jews.

6. Add to the mix the present Eurotrash mentality of open immigration and low birth rate, now you have all the sicko Muslims just firing things up.

7. Of course, France, for at least the last 150 years, has been the most anti-semitic country in Europe, anyway. They bet on the Nazis to win WWII, and besides giving up Jews in hiding, gave up plenty of American and British GI’s.

8. Personally, I don’t much care what the Eurotrash or middle-eastern dreck thinks of us…

Posted by: Michael D. Shaw on December 22, 2003 11:37 AM

Michael D. Shaw refers to the “Eurotrash mentality of open immigration and low birth rate”, seeming to imply that the US is on a somewhat higher scale of humanity in that respect. Perhaps I’ve misinterpreted him — if so, my apologies in advance. At any rate, though the ‘low birth rate’ is appalling (the book to read is Buchanan’s ‘The Death of the West’), Europeans are certainly nowhere as much in favour of open immigration as their American counterparts. There, you guys are still the trailblazers towards self-destruction.

Anti-immigration policies are actually quite popular in most European countries, though the Trojan Horses of asylum law have unfortunately undermined their impact. Negative, too, the role of the Churches — still sermonizing on the Mount about universal ethics and the need to turn the other cheek as the barbarians filter into the citadel.

But I’d still say that the sack of New York and Washington will occur a decade or two before that of Rome and Paris.

Posted by: Charles Copeland on December 22, 2003 12:38 PM

The only thing more astonishing than Michael Shaw’s ignorant statements about Jews were some of his comments about the French. The latter may have been the people most hostile to Jews in Western Europe, but they hardly compared to many Eastern Europeans in this respect. The vast majority of the French were pro- Allied throughout World War II and even when most assumed that the Allies had lost, in 1940, helped over a thousand British soldiers to escape France. As for the Jews, those in Spain certainly welcomed the Moors, and for good reason, but during most of the Moorish period were treated decently by BOTH Christians and Moslems. Both, centuries later, turned against the Jews, the Moslems doing so first. The vast majority of Russian Jews hated the Tsarist regime, but most supported the moderate revolutionary parties, not the Bolsheviks.

Posted by: Alan Levine on December 22, 2003 6:07 PM


Please read the material!!

To say that the Jews were highly represented amongst the Bolsheviks does not mean that most Jews sympathized with them.

Please, Alan—what was the “good reason” that the Moors were welcomed in Spain??

And, please spare me the canard about E euros (read Poles) being more anti-Semitic than the French. As I said, many people identified the Jews with the Commies (a stupid generalization to be sure) and those living under the horror of Communism had some hard feelings.

This, in a “sick” sense, perhaps gave them a reason. OK. Now tell me what excuse the French had?

The French were hating Jews long before the Poles even thought about it—and gee whiz—there were lots of Jews in Poland (and whatever it was called before that) for hundreds of years. The French were NEVER kind to Jews…

The French were only “pro-Allied” once they saw who was winning.

As a Catholic is truly pains me to see what has become of France—once the producer of many great saints.

Not sure what revisionist history you are cooking up here.

One more thing—

Please enlighten me on my “ignorant” statements about Jews…

Posted by: Michael D. Shaw on December 22, 2003 6:50 PM


As things are going, of course, we have completely adopted the Eurotrash mentality of open immigration and low birth rate.

We are only better in that we, as a nation, are not quite as gelded or socialistic—YET

Posted by: Michael D. Shaw on December 22, 2003 6:53 PM

I don’t think anyone disputes that there was considerable Jewish involvement in the early Bolshevik movement. As my wife’s step-father, who is Jewish, explained to me, after years of Czarist Pograms and a continued lack of acceptance into mainstream Russian society, the idea of a new order where everyone would be on the same plane was very appealing. But life under the U.S.S.R. was hardly kind to most Jews, and given the evidence involved in the ‘Doctors Plot’ it is likely that only Comrade Stalin’s sudden illness and death prevented a catastrophe for Russian Jewry.

I think it’s generally the case that Jewish involvement in other areas of contention, such as immigration, are due less to any malevolence or world conspiracy than to the trauma of a 1,900+ years’ Diaspora.

I’ll make only one passing observation about Spain. ‘March of the Titans’ one typical ‘pro-white’ site that minimizes the Holocaust among other things, notes that after the Moors were taken out and the Jews subsequently expelled in 1492, a Golden Age and empirial expansion followed, which then was followed by persecution of Protestants, the importation of black slaves, an immigrant invastion of Gypsies, and extensive race-mixing, all presented in one way or other as leading to Spain’s eventual decline.

But the Jews had been expelled, so it would be hard to put the blame on them. Yet they’re blamed consistently whenever like situations are seen elsewhere, as though the majority were powerless in their presence to determine their own nation’s destiny. It’s all symptomatic of the a suicidal mentality that isn’t new, just more dangerous given the current globalistic climate, (and affects Jews as well as Gentiles).

Finally, as to France’s Anti-Semitism. I would attribute it largely to envy of people in their midst who tend to exist on the higher side of the Bell Curve and are typically very successful. This attitude has been manifested in France toward other groups. The graves of my own Huguenot ancestors bear silent testimony to this.

As William Flax noted in his Conservative Debate Handbook: ” The Massacre & later Expulsion of Huguenots: While this, as Hitler’s treatment of Jews a quarter of a millennium later, involved religious and other issues on the surface, both were instances of pure envy and contrived resentment. The Huguenots had enjoyed a preeminence in French commerce and science only comparable to what outside conquerors might ordinarily obtain. In driving the Huguenots out, France lost the potential to achieve an Industrial Revolution ahead of her British rival. The mob killing Huguenots on St. Bartholomew’s Day were not killing people they believed ‘inferior.’”

You reap what you sow. Just over a century later France fell into the equality (egalité!) snare of Rousseau and Helvetius. Envy again, leading to the fantasy that “All men are Kings!” Trading their liberty for the chimera of equality the libertarians are then replaced by more radicals, then by even more radical Girondins, then the more ruthless Jacobins. And heads in turn fell at the guillotine or suspended at the scaffold, Then cometh an imperial figure who would restore her greatness until that Waterloo matter.

French pride has endured one long wound, as the “Lingua Franca” has been replaced by English and they stand as a mere shadow of their former greatness as a world power. Then there are those successful Jews in their midst. If France cared at all about her own cultural survival, or survival as a people, she would not be currently overrun by an increasing Mohammedan presence. The Mohammedans there — for reasons of their own — reinforce a latent Anti-Semitism that is fueled more by envy, and scapegoating, the kind that leads to disorientation and death, and will do nothing to help France out of her dilemma. Remember the Maginot Line.

Posted by: Joel LeFevre on December 22, 2003 7:51 PM

I would like to answer some of Mr. Shaw’s assertions.

“1. When the Jews were really orthodox, many of them actually believed in morality—and that was during mostly pagan times. Thus, they were not too popular.”
Reread the Bible. Jews were and are a stiff-necked people caught between our allegiance to God and our desire to be like other peoples.
I am a little offended by your suggestion that normative Judaism is not orthodox.

“2. With the fall of the Temple in AD 70, the original Judaism concept disappeared, to be replaced by a sort of wisdom/rabbinical cult. The morality was still there, but was now buried with Talmudic trappings and man-made “wisdom”. You might recall that the greatest Jew of all time preached against this quite a bit…”
The decisions of the Sanhedrin and the interpretations of the Torah and customs preceeded the destruction of the Torah. Yochanan ben Zakkai did not invent a new religion at Yavney. Rather, as a leading moderate Pharisee, he sought to save Judaism by reinterpreting it for a new time.
Of course, Karaites, who claim lineage from the Saducees, would take offence at your decision to write them out of Judaism.
If reinterpriting pracitices of a religion, continuing religious discussion, and creating stories around religious leaders means that the religion is buried, then Christianity was buried with the death of the last Apostle of Jesus or the Council of Nicea

“3. During the early AD period, MANY Jews converted, but the rest became the Diaspora—keeping to themselves, and creating all sorts of suspicion amongst their neighbors.”

Most Jews lived in the diaspora (Roman and Persian) before the great revolt of 66-74 CE.
Suspicion of and even attacks on diaspora communities occured for 600 years before the Second Temple was destroyed.

“4. With the advent of the plague of Islam, and perceived threats from Christendom, Jews often aligned themselves with Muslims, and at least in Spain, got themselves kicked out of their “host” country.”
Percieved threats? Perhaps you should take a good look at how Roman and Byzantine Christians treated Jews in occupied Judea and the diaspora, even while they sought to disposses the Jews. It was not “perception” that forced Jews and Samaritans to rebel in 614. It was not perception that the Marcianite Vandals killed and exiled thousands of Jews in Iberia and Italia.
Take a good look the writtings at Saints Ambrose, Augustine, John Chrysostom, and Gregory of Nyssa.
Look up the Codex Theodosianus statues on Jews.
It was not a perception that Jews were expelled from southern France and many kingdoms in Hispania in the 7th century.
Jewish collusion with Muslims in Andalusia was a function of the prior violent anti-Semtism of the Vandals. Dhimmitude was preferable to death.
However, don’t think for a second that Jews were favored under Islam. In 614 Jews and Samaritans were a majority in Byzantine occupied Israel. By the time of the First Crusade, Jews were a minority with no political power.

“5. As many Jews ended up in E Europe, and were persecuted by the Czars, they felt that anything was better than that, so they were disproportionately invovled in the Bolshies. However, lots of Euros did not like the Bolshies (they had some sense back then), so this gave them another reason to hate the Jews.”
Jews “ended up” in Poland because of the destruction of the Rhineland Jewish communities during the First Crusade.

Despite Marx’s open anti-Semitism, Jews were (and are) disproportionately involved in Communist movements. I think this has to do wit the circumstances of Eastern European Jewry at the time. They were obviously drawn to anti-traditionalist movements as these had liberated them. However, the Classical Liberalism (or the deranged French version) was being superceded with local nationalism in the Prussian, Austrian, and Russian Empires. The local liberal nationalist movements were not supportive of Jews. The reaction to the ethnic seperatism in the Russian empire, Pan-Slavism was openly anti-Semitic.
Meanwhile the socialists and communists pledged liberation equality and even earthly paradise.
The chains of the new slavery were quite enticing compared to pograms.
Modern Jewish Communists have no excuse save idiocy.

“7. Of course, France, for at least the last 150 years, has been the most anti-semitic country in Europe, anyway. They bet on the Nazis to win WWII, and besides giving up Jews in hiding, gave up plenty of American and British GI’s.”
Actually, from 1810 to the Dreyfuss affair, France was arguably the least anti-Semitic country followed by the UK.

The French Resistance, while mythologized, was far more active than their counterparts in every other occupied country save some groups in Norway and Poland.

Posted by: Ron on December 23, 2003 3:08 AM

Ron—good insights, and nice historical tidbits.

I would only comment as follows…

The “greatest Jew of all time” of course was Jesus—and you don’t seem to reference this in your reply, unless this “Yochanan ben Zakkai” is another name for Yeshua.

“Reinterpreting” religious practices is a bit of a mild way of describing how Judaism changed after AD 70.

“By the time of the First Crusade, Jews were a minority with no political power.”

Actually, they had this status long before the First Crusade!!

Dreyfus affair was in 1894, and I don’t think anti-semitism in France started that year. I still go with my “150 years.” If you want to argue in favor of other countries being more or almost as anti-semitic, be my guest.

Fact is that europe has been anti-Semitic for a good long time. Hell, it’s now anti-Christian.

No doubt, the French Resistance was “active.” But, that hardly makes up for craven complicity at every turn, and the feeble fight put up by the country that had the world’s largest army after WWI.

Defending the French (19th century and beyond) for just about any reason is a losing game.

Posted by: Michael D. Shaw on December 23, 2003 11:55 AM

“The “greatest Jew of all time” of course was Jesus—and you don’t seem to reference this in your reply, unless this “Yochanan ben Zakkai” is another name for Yeshua.”

I will not question your religious belief that Yeshua bin Yosef was “the greatest Jew of all time”, the Messiah, or the Son of God.
I have a very different interpretation of him, being one of many Messsianic claimants killed by the Romans with the help of the collaborationists.
Yochanan ben Zakkai was one of the only leaders of the Sanhedrin to survive the fall of Jerusalem. He had been a moderate calling for the Romans and collaborators to reform their misrule befor the rebellion. He had counseled against the revolt in 66 to 70. (He had predicted a Roman victory and that the leading general, Titus Flavius Vespasianus, would become Emperor) After he escaped from the siege of Jerusalem, Yochanan set up an academy and renewed Sanhedrin at Yavneh. That is where the Jerusalem Talmud was written.

““Reinterpreting” religious practices is a bit of a mild way of describing how Judaism changed after AD 70.”
Judaism existed before and after the Temples. Diaspora communities had set up their own houses of worship at least by the Babylonian exile. The Jewish communities in Cyrene and Ethiopia existed independent from that in Jerusalem.
All religions change and practices evolve for the times.
I don’t see most Christians following Jewish law.

““By the time of the First Crusade, Jews were a minority with no political power.”
Actually, they had this status long before the First Crusade!!”
I was speaking of the community in occupied Israel. From 615-617, they had liberated Jerusalem. That was the last time before 1948.

“Dreyfus affair was in 1894, and I don’t think anti-Semitism in France started that year. I still go with my “150 years.” If you want to argue in favor of other countries being more or almost as anti-Semitic, be my guest.”

Jews were emancipated in 1793 in France. It took decades for other European countries to do this.
Take a good look at Czarist laws on Jews. They made “Jim Crow” laws look benign. Look up the term “Pale of settlement”.

“No doubt, the French Resistance was “active.” But, that hardly makes up for craven complicity at every turn, and the feeble fight put up by the country that had the world’s largest army after WWI.”
The French had wanted to protect Czechoslovakia in 1938. It was the British who refused, as they lacked the support of the Commonwealth.

There are enough reasons to condemn the French without spinning history.

Posted by: Ron on December 23, 2003 1:06 PM


Again. Good points.

(Most JEWS don’t follow Jewish law!)

Still—I kinda think that the French Revolution may have had a bit to do with emancipating the Jews. Of course, at the same time, these revolutionary types were not too kind to the Church…

Not sure about the Czech matter, but as it was, the French wouldn’t even protect their own country.

As I said, it is absolutely tragic to see how far they have fallen!

A country that was second to none in the production of great saints will likely become a Muslim nation within our lifetimes.

Posted by: Michael D. Shaw on December 23, 2003 1:48 PM
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