A Democrat who sounds responsible on Iraq

You can take this for what it’s worth. I’m just reporting what I saw. She (everyone knows who is meant) was on Meet the Press this morning, and I must say that she was very good. She did not demagogue the war issue like all the other Dems. She had criticisms of Bush (many of which I share, such as Bush’s total failure to plan for the postwar situation), but they were stated in a reasonable, not an angry or hateful or lying or ignorant way. She came across as a responsible public person. I haven’t heard a Democrat speak this way in a long time. And I have never heard her speak this way. Does it represent some new development in her political character, or just another Madonna-like identity switch?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 07, 2003 10:51 PM | Send

Could it be that she is acting more statesmanlike so that when her stalking horse, Gen. Clark, bows out right after New Year’s, she will announce her candidacy with greater gravitas? HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on December 8, 2003 4:03 PM

From the blog entry:

“[Hillary] had criticisms of Bush (many of which I share, such as Bush’s total failure to plan for the postwar situation),[…]”

This administration’s failure to adequately plan for the Iraqi occupation has been criticized by Mr. Auster and others at VFR and elsewhere. Just now, I happened to see this statement by the person most responsible for such planning:

“There’s nothing I am worse at than long-term planning. I have never run my life that way. I believe that serendipity or fate or divine intervention has led me to a series of wholly implausible steps in my life. And I’ve been open to those twists and turns because I didn’t have a long-term plan.” —National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice

http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/lou.dobbs.tonight/ (look for the text labeled “Tonight’s quote” on the page)

This statement on her part, given the current situations in Iraq and around the world, is simply incredible. It’s a statement that can scarcely be justified no matter what the context in which it was made. Is she a token affirmative-action hire, I wonder? If she is, it’s criminal to put her in the third or so most powerful position in the government. Put her somewhere else if, as she now admits, she’s incapable of planning.

(Incidentally, on the same CNN.com page as the Rice quote, along the left-hand margin, readers are invited to vote in an unscientific poll on amnesty for illegal aliens. I voted just a few minutes ago.)

Posted by: Unadorned on December 13, 2003 11:44 AM

Re: Unadorned’s post of 11:44 a.m. and CNN’s unscientific poll on amnesty for illegal aliens:

Just checked in and voted. Was surprised to see that so far, those opposed to amnesty have only an eight-point lead over those in favor of it. Let’s hope the poll is not only unscientific, but unrepresentative.

Posted by: paul on December 13, 2003 12:35 PM
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