Jews slaughtered in Istanbul, Americans killed in Iraq

In Istanbul on Saturday morning two truck bombs exploded outside two prominent synagogues that were crowded with families at bar mitzvahs. At least 20 people were killed and more than 300 wounded. If the Jihadists attack Red Cross centers in Iraq, why not houses of worship in Turkey? The country’s Jewish population, which goes back centuries, is 30,000 out of a total population of 65 million. I guess they’re threatening the culture. Or maybe they’re all working for Israel intelligence.

Also on Saturday, a Jewish middle school in Gagny, France was totally destroyed by fire, in what the French government called a deliberate anti-Semitic act.

Also on Saturday, at least 17 American servicemen were killed when two Black Hawk helicopters, under fire from the ground, collided in mid air and crashed.

We are in some kind of world war, but it’s hard to discern its shape and outline, because it seems to be everywhere. We are tossing in the middle of an ocean, whose shores we cannot see.

And we will remain in that shapeless, helpless confusion, until we name our enemy.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 16, 2003 12:25 AM | Send


It would appear that it’s been a particularly busy weekend for the missionaries of “religion of peace.” On the subject of the allegedly moderate form of Mohammedism found in Turkey, I’d like to point out that the “moderate, secular” government of that nation has systematically carried out an murderous ethnic cleansing campiagn against the Christian minority (mostly Greeks and Armenians, along with some Assyrians and ethnic Turks) since its inception in the 1920s. Mr. Trifkovic’s research has been most illuminating on this issue.

Posted by: Carl on November 16, 2003 1:33 PM

President Bush helpfully issued a statement reminding us that our enemy is “without conscience or faith.” Thanks for that staunch Texas clarity, guys!

Posted by: Paul Cella on November 16, 2003 11:36 PM

Gosh, the worst he can say about mass murderers is that they “lack conscience or faith”? Did he add that they were cowardly?

At least he’s not as bad as Mayor Bloomberg, a soulless, clueless, tone-deaf liberal if there ever was one. After a man murdered a city councilman during a meeting of the City Council, and was then shot dead by a police officer, Bloomberg said that both deaths were tragic.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 16, 2003 11:46 PM

You wonder when the Left in general will wake up. You really do. I mean, do the liberals and leftists actually think they’ll be permitted to “ply their trade” (liberalism’s stock in trade being to look the other way at leftists’ mischief or even to vaguely cheer it on, and leftists’ stock in trade being the fanatical promotion of degenerateness, meaninglessness, and entropy wherever and whenever possible) — do they actually imagine they’ll be permitted to ply their trade if the other side, the side committing all these attacks, emerges victorious in the looming struggle of civilizations, a struggle in which the Left wants surrender or compromise (compromise in this war = slow death) instead of victory?

Did everyone see in one of Jim Kalb’s recent blog entries where Derrida himself wrote that he viewed his role as that of a parasitical virus devoid of any life of its own, functioning exclusively to destroy, disrupt, derail, and introduce disorder?

From Mr. Kalb’s “Turnabout” ( ) blog entry of Nov. 17th (see also his entry of the 14th):

“What can we see in Derrida’s own words other than an assault on meaning and existence itself:

” ‘All I have done … is dominated by the thought of a virus, what could be called a
parasitology, a virology, the virus being many things … The virus is in part a parasite that destroys, that introduces disorder into communication. Even from the biological standpoint, this is what happens with a virus; it derails a mechanism of the communicational type, its coding and decoding. On the other hand, it is something that is neither living nor non-living; the virus is not a microbe. And if you follow these two threads, that of a parasite which disrupts destination from the communicative point of view — disrupting writing, inscription, and the coding and decoding of inscription — and which on the other hand is neither alive nor dead, you have the matrix of all that I have done since I began writing.’ [Brunette & Wills, ed., Deconstruction and the Visual Arts, (Cambridge University Press, 1994), 12.]”

So, here is the enemy’s fifth column right in our midst telling us in black and white what its pernicious nature is, how it intends virus-like to sap our strength, drain our life-blood, and kill us, and the majority of our intellectuals, as deeply in thrall as ever to its brazen disguises despite the fact that THEY ALSO CAN READ as it unmasks itself here, continue in their moral-mental coma.

Our society is thus forced to engage a vast, determined, fanatical external enemy on the field of battle while itself neither fresh nor strong but feverish, stumbling, too sick to even strap on its armour and scarcely able to stand, so weak has its post-modern deconstructivist viral infection rendered it. A clever virus won’t kill its host even though it weaken it. This one, this Derrida germ of nihilistic leftism in its most concentrated and virulent form, isn’t one of the clever ones, alas.

Glimpsing the looming bulk of what we face and the seemingly impossible task lying before us, we may say that Mr. Auster did well, in his other entry, to call upon the name of the mother of our Saviour, thus: “Mary, star shining over the storm-tossed sea of this wicked world, have mercy on us.”

Posted by: Unadorned on November 18, 2003 6:32 PM

” … liberalism’s stock in trade being to look the other way at leftists’ mischief or even to vaguely cheer it on, and leftists’ stock in trade being the fanatical promotion of degenerateness, meaninglessness, and entropy wherever and whenever possible … ”

Great stuff, Un!

And the Derrida quote is amazing. That he would actually come out and say this about himself! I’m posting it on the main page.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 18, 2003 7:21 PM

That was an amazing post, Unadorned! You’ve nailed it. A genuine glimpse into the malignant heart of the liberal religion.

Posted by: Carl on November 18, 2003 11:54 PM

The Derrida quote is superlative evidence of the accuracy of Nietzsche’s vision of the rise of a horrific nihilism in the 20th Century. What better example than a man who devotes his life to trying to destroy human communication? And what sorrier comment on our institutions of higher education than Derrida remains much admired in the culture of the academic left?

Posted by: thucydides on November 19, 2003 1:08 PM
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