Chicago without English speakers

Herbert London tells of how he got lost in the great American city of Chicago and was unable to find any English speakers to assist him, or even any non-English speakers who seemed to know the city.

Oh, if only mainstream opinion makers had been making anguished statements like this 10 or 15 years ago! Eleven years ago I was driving through the Pico district of L.A. and it was as if an entire Mexican city had been lifted up by a huge helicopter and plopped in the middle of America.

A handful of articles and books and activist organizations won’t do it. There must be a mass political movement. More importantly, there must be high public officials—a single Congressman is not enough—who take a stand on this issue and don’t retreat when attacked.

We must go beyond the realization of the problem and propose positive reforms in immigration. Our complaints remain mere complaints, unless they’re connected with firmly stated proposals for specific reductions in overall numbers, exclusions of undesirable groups, and enforcement, supported by arguments showing why such reforms are morally and politically right.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 18, 2003 04:06 PM | Send


Not on topic, I apologize, but ESPN just fired Greg Easterbrook for a column he wrote in the New Republic saying that Jews in Hollywood made a particularly violent movie. Check out Jonah Goldberg’s comments at NRO in “the corner”. Sorry off topic but very interesting.

Posted by: Wagner on October 18, 2003 4:58 PM

Easterbrook violated the first rule of American political discourse: Thou Shalt Not Speak Ill of just about anything American Jews do. Surely, good liberal that he is, he knew he would pay a price. What his episode shows is that liberals who break the rule (even when telling the truth) are no safer from the consequences than conservatives.

Back to London. When I read this column I laughed out loud. London’s profession of surprise at finding that large stretches of greater Chicago are now Mexican is ridiculous. That has been true for a long time now and is only getting worse. It is hardly news. What made me laugh, though, is thinking that London, a NYU professor, lives in NEW YORK CITY, one of the illegal alien/uncontrolled incompatible immigration capitals of the world. I walk through midtown Manhattan on my way to and from work every day. I often go several blocks at a time, in the business heart of the United States’ most important city, without seeing another American, or any white people. Whatever New York City is today, it is not American in any traditional sense. Mr. London’s co-religionists, if I may be forgiven pointing it out, have had a great deal to do with making it so.

For New Yorker Herbert London to have to travel to Chicago, as late as 2003, to notice that illegal aliens, especially Mexicans, are over-running America’s cities is simply ridiculous. He must have some serious blind spots about his home town!

Still, I am glad he has woken up. Maybe he’ll help wake up the Kristols, Podhoretzes, Wattenbergs and other New York neocon immigration enthusiasts. No Americans, least of all Jewish Americans, are ultimately well served by mass immigration of Latin Americans, Moslems and everybody else we are allowing to stroll on in. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on October 18, 2003 6:38 PM

Mr. Sutherland:

You called it. When I read London’s column at I got the sense not that he was “waking up” so much as he was making a conscious effort to introduce the problem of immigration into the “mainstream”. More people with media access need to do this.

He’s not kidding about Chicago though. I was in Chicago not too long ago and I’ll be durned if I didn’t walk down the street without hearing a single work of English spoken. Just Spanish. The number of Mexican flags being flown was astonishing as well. These were displayed proudly (defiantly?) from storefronts everywhere. What was really irksome is that these were rarely flown in concert with an American flag. Having a little pride in your heritage is one thing but shouting “Mexico!” from the rooftops is quite another.

Why do neocons favor immigration? I’ve been operating under the theory that greedy corporations want cheap labor and politicians want to get reelected. To hell with America. It is just another market for global capitalists to exploit.

Posted by: Wagner on October 18, 2003 7:01 PM

I recently visited London, England, again after a period of some years, and was surprised to find that it was hardly an English city any longer. One might as well have been in some Asian or African capital. One can understand why the immigrants are eager to escape whatever hellhole they came from, but when mass immigration is combined with multicultural ideology of type prevalent both here and in the UK, which suppresses any pressure for assimilation, the results will surely in time be the destruction of precisely those features of the culture that made it originally attractive to the immigrants.

Posted by: thucydides on October 18, 2003 7:39 PM

There is a big difference between immigration in New York and in some other cities. I don’t know the situation in Chicago, but let’s take Los Angeles as a comparison. In New York or at least Manhattan, immigrants are reasonably well behaved and integrated into a structure of neighborhoods and businesses. Maybe it has something to do with Manhattan’s grid structure and the intense crowding. Everyone must be on relatively good behavior. But when you walk or drive through parts of L.A., you feel you’re in an unsettled area, a jungle, with no social constraining forces. It’s possible the neighborhoods London experienced in Chicago were like that, and that was why he found it so much more shocking than any experience of New York. Also, one would not fail to find immigrants who speak Englsh in New YOrk.

I also must say that Mr. Sutherland is overplaying the Jewish card here. There is nothing intrinsically Jewish about people’s failure to see the immigration problem. That is especially so in the case of Herb London, since for at least ten years he has been far more aware of the immigration problem than other establishment conservatives, and in sympathy with the restrictionists. For example, when Peter Brimelow published his big article in NR about immigration in 1992, London had him as the guest speaker at a luncheon/discussion in New York, with several leading establishment conservative types in attendance. He has praised my booklet on immigration, The Path to National Suicide, and has written articles criticizing immigration as far back as 1993.

Mr. Sutherland’s prejudicial error regarding Herb London is an example of what happens when a person gets overly focussed on one, particular group as the supposed key factor in various social problems.

Also, London has not been an NYU professor for some time. He is the president of the Hudson Institute, headquartered in Cincinnatti.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on October 18, 2003 7:56 PM

The failure to see the immigration problem is almost universal among “conservative” commentators. Robert Novak, George Will, and Cal Thomas are three of the most visible of this type. These three are distinct from each other, but have the same blindness Mr. Auster describes.

Novak rarely mentions immigration, but I have seen him say, “I’m for immigration,” a couple of times on TV. Will echoes Barone and has broached the idea of changing the law that the foreign-born can’t be President. Thomas will criticize Muslims, rarely. He eagerly praised Mr. Bush’s anti-American history speech in Africa.

None of these three has ever written a word of serious analysis of the demographic change of America to my knowledge. Will sometimes writes rah-rah “I love diversity columns.” Many more so-called “conservatives” will fall in this category.

Posted by: David on October 18, 2003 10:43 PM

I never read columns by George Will or Cal Thomas. Ever. Self-inflicted torture is not how I get my jollies.

Bob Novak is always good, though lately I seldom read him, for sheer lack of time. Forget the other two completely.

Posted by: Unadorned on October 18, 2003 11:19 PM

Thucydides is absolutely right. I was having a conversation in London the other night with two women down from the West Midlands. After some banter about jobs etc. one of them blurted out — there are no English people in London. This is pretty near the truth, certainly in Central London and certainly the people you are likely to come into contact with as a tourist. The only large cohort of English people is composed of young professionals, doing their time in the city at the start of their careers until they get married and have kids — at which time they move out to a mostly white suburb. Those who remain are very wealthy, able to live in secured buildings, send their kids to private schools, and take a black cab to work, rather than deal with public transportation.

It really is a tragedy to see that English people from the provinces feel their capital is so alien, that the indigenous working class is cut off from the opportunities the capital has to offer. The irony is that much of this immigration is subsidized through council flats, free health care, ‘benefit’ etc.

As to Mr. Auster’s statements about immigration to New York, I would say that while it is perhaps not so dominated by one single ethnic group, I am sure he could find entire city blocks were people spoke only Spanish, or Arabic or whatever. Moreover, while London’s point was that one ethnic group is basically migrating in and taking over an area, I think that it is an equally valid point that native born Americans, especially whites, simply no longer feel comfortable in our major cities, the cities are alien to them. It matters little that said city is dominated by one ethnic group or 1 dozen foreign ethnic groups. Again, the opportunities that a big city offers to the native born are closed off to those who refuse to live as an overwhelmed minority (linguistic, ethnic, etc) in their own country.

A would add that this situation is repeating itself worldwide (at least in majority European countries).

What is to be done?

Posted by: Mitchell Young on October 19, 2003 7:58 AM

And I wonder if Mr. Auster is right about the ‘jewish card’.

We non-jews should look at our own, we have the Quakers, the LDS church (in particular Orin Hatch), that idiot Presbyterian minister down at the border passing out water to illegals, any number of Wasps and Waspy catholics at ‘Reason’, the whole Bush clan, etc. etc. Perhaps we should train our fire at these individuals/groups.

Then again, there is no denying the role of primarly jewish neo-cons in turning the ‘conservative’ movement pro-mass immigration and purging those who were immigration skeptics. This is a key difference. Most of the non-jewish immigration enthusiasts don’t claim to be conservative. It is manipulatin from inside that has truly hurt immigration restriction hopes.

Ironically, it may be that immigration restrictionist conservatives will have to make aliance with ‘liberals’. This is happening in the UK with ‘Migration Watch’, and if I recall, the ultra-liberal James Trafficant had a pretty good rating from NumbersUSA. (Maybe that’s why he was targeted for persecution). In my opinion, such an alliance would be justified, as immigration restriction should be the number one priority throughout the West for those who wish to preserve the West.

Posted by: Mitchell Young on October 19, 2003 8:14 AM

I lived in Washington Heights in Manhattan for a while some years ago. Every single person was an immigrant and all business was conducted in Spanish, even by the Palestinians who ran the bodegas. The baseball player Manny Ramirez was born there and barely spoke English after graduating from public high school.

Were there neighborhoods in the early twentieth century where everyone spoke Yiddish or Polish or Italian? I hope so, since for whatever the reason I think nothing will be done about immigration and it’s probably too late anyway.

Posted by: Agricola on October 19, 2003 8:41 AM

As a New Yorker, I would like to endorse Mr. Auster’s analysis and make an additional point. NYC is not the best vantage point from which to observe our immigration disaster simply because it has always had a large foreign population, both immigrant and transient — we have enormous numbers of tourists, people here on business, and the UN. Mew York took an exceptional proportion of immigrants even when immigration levels were low. I might add that I had feelings like those of Mr. London myself, when visiting Lancaster Pennsylvania some years ago. One expected to see an enormous number of Hispanics in New York, but not in a place like Lancaster!

Posted by: Alan Levine on October 19, 2003 12:26 PM

As regards Mr. Auster’s reference to “overplaying the Jewish card,” I don’t know whether or not Mr. Sutherland’s post strayed in that direction but that is something which is certainly not unknown in immigration punditry (though as everyone knows, inquiring about the influence of certain organized Jewish groups in regard to immigration is legitimate).

Look at Mr. Young’s post, where he describes:

“Those [white English native] Londoners [who don’t flee to the suburbs but] remain are very wealthy, able to live in secured buildings, send their kids to private schools, and take a black cab to work, rather than deal with public transportation.”

Did Mr. Young forget to say, “take a black cab to Synagogue services on Saturdays”? No, he didn’t forget. They don’t go to Synagogue by and large, but to church. To church? But … didn’t he say they were very wealthy? Yes, he did. And doesn’t “being very wealthy” mean having the potential for greater political influence? Right again. Then … what’s the matter with these people? Why aren’t they doing something about the destruction of their own city and, after that, their own entire country? Answer: They’re blind as bats, selfish, immoral, not very intelligent, and … are there any other descriptive adjectives you need? Well, what about certain well-organized Jewish or mainly Jewish pressure groups and lobbying groups? Well, everyone knows they share blame. But the preponderance of blame lies a million light-years away from Jews.

Wanna know what I think? One of the top two or three factors responsible for the whole debacle is … (wait for it) … the women’s vote. Yes, I’m one hundred percent serious.

But as far as Jews go, I admit those rich, powerful American Jews Warren Buffet, Ross Perot, Ted Turner, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart, Howard Dean, and the entire Bush, Rockefeller, and Kennedy families ought to do more to stem the immigration tide which after all, despite Mr. Foxman’s babblings, stand to harm the Jewish Community in this country along with all the other communities. (Did I get their names right? Some Jewish names can be hard to spell … )

Meantime, I’ll take my stand with the Jewish Task Force, an outfit in Fresh Meadows, Queens, NYC. They’ve got their heads screwed on one hundred percent frontwards on immigration.

Posted by: Unadorned on October 19, 2003 1:07 PM

Another person who has his head screwed on right is Unadorned.

Mr. Levine is right about the reasons for the difference of perceptions vis a vis New York and other cities. People _expect_ New York to be diverse; they don’t expect places in the Midwest to be diverse, and it comes as a shock. Another factor not mentioned so far is diversity of minority groups versus homogeneity. In Manhattan, intensely diverse, no group dominates, and everyone stays on relatively good behavior. But when you travel to certain areas of Brooklyn, for example, the black element suddenly dominates, and there is a lawless, on-the-edge quality you wouldn’t find in Manhattan.

As for Mr. Young’s question, “What is to be done?”, I’ll repeat what I’ve said before. Before we can do anything or even think sensibly about doing anything, we must first realize where we are now and why we are here. America, Britain, and other western nations have ALREADY committed spiritual suicide, by making non-discrimination their leading principle, and thus eliminating the “We,” the peoplehood, the nationhood, from their identity. There is therefore at present NO ENTITY within the Western countries that can resist the ongoing non-Western deluge.

The solution is that such an entity must be re-created, consisting of a renewed national, civilizational, majority identity, which then begins to speak and to assert itself in the political society. As I’ve written before, the Euro-American majority is at present NOTHING in the political society. (That is, we exist as numbers, but not as a people or an identity.) We must become SOMETHING. Having become something, we can then begin to resist the incoming tide, seeking to slow it, stop it, and then reverse it.

I realize these are all generalities. But Mr. Young asked a despairing question that we all feel. And I believe the only hope lies in the direction I have just laid out.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on October 19, 2003 3:22 PM

Do you remember the cover story in Time magazine in 1990, I believe? It declared whites would become a minority around 2020. Since that time, whites have been basically considered a numerical minority, even though it hasn’t yet happened.

I was in a meeting about that time discussing employee relations. The man presiding said at the end, “We’ll all soon be minorities.” The slogans “multiculturalism,” “diversity,” have had an official quality since that time.

Why do you think Hispanics, for instance, display such an aggressive manner? They know the US government and ruling class backs them, not Americans. This is true of GWB, in particular.

Posted by: David on October 19, 2003 4:02 PM

(Yankees win Game 2. Yea!) Mounting the high horse here. It is disappointing to hear unqualified (and often innocently intended) comments about Jewish people as a group. More likely than not, Jewish people will be a substantial part of saving America from the result that Mr. London and we all fear; this proposition is supported by Mr. London’s speaking out. Perspective must be sought when talking about Jewish people, it seems. Karl Marx was a Jewish person, and he was the principal architect of communism, the driving force behind the evil Soviet Union. But Admiral Hyman Rickover was also a Jewish person, and he was the architect of ONE-THIRD of America’s hugely successful nuclear triad deterrent during America’s 50-year cold war with the Soviet Union. The third was America’s unapproachable nuclear submarine force. (See the writings of Tom Clancy.)

This subject though does need ventilation. The problem with ventilation of this subject is it draws ugly human behavior. Still perseverance will win out. High horse dismounted.

Posted by: P Murgos on October 20, 2003 12:09 AM

Browsing Thrasymachus’ always excellent blog-site just now, I discovered this Derbyshire bombshell:

So Derb lets drop the mask of neutrality to take his stand alongside those struggling for what’s right!

Welcome aboard!

Posted by: Unadorned on October 20, 2003 6:04 PM

Here’s the direct link to Derbyshire’s “third-party-candidate close-the-borders” speech at NRO.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on October 20, 2003 6:23 PM

See, all doubters of reform. Hope is everywhere if one looks for it, even in unexpected places such as Mr. Derbyshire’s writings. Mr. Bush is going to have to deal with 20 million voters no matter what his personal agenda is, and it is a personal agenda because the great majority of Americans want an end to this mass legal and illegal immigration. Keep studying here and spreading the arguments everywhere you can think of. Don’t wait for instructions from an as yet to step forward leader, who might never rise unless he or she hears YOU calling.

I do not wish for the following and pray it does not happen: an illegal immigrant murders the family of a prominent key anti-reform candidate in the Senate. But you must be in the game to take advantage of opportunities.

Posted by: P Murgos on October 21, 2003 1:24 PM

Here, ,

is one reason (one among many) the power-élites in this country have got a white-knuckle grip on the control levers of 3rd-world immigration and don’t plan on permitting any slowing of the flood without a fight: they’re cashing in on cheap docile thirld-world labor. We knew that, of course. But here are some of the actual numbers in an easy-to-grasp presentation.

Posted by: Unadorned on October 22, 2003 1:01 AM
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