A pre-emption devoutly to be wished

And speaking of pre-emptive strikes against Arab/Muslim-owned nuclear plants …

Let’s Hope This Is True
“The German newspaper Der Spiegel reported Saturday that Israel has prepared plans for a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities in order to halt Iran’s progress towards attaining nuclear weapons,” the Jerusalem Post reports. “Der Spiegel reported that a special unit of the Mossad received an order two months ago to prepare a detailed plan to destroy Iran’s nuclear sites. According to the paper, the Mossad’s plan is ready and has been delivered to the Israeli Air Force, which will carry out the strike.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 14, 2003 12:10 PM | Send

I didn’t know Iran actually had nuclear weapons. It seems like if you start dropping bombs on them they might get really mad.

Posted by: Roger on October 14, 2003 1:04 PM

Roger: see the thread that immediately preceded this one.

As to making Iran mad — that would be a real shame wouldn’t it?

Posted by: Joel LeFevre on October 14, 2003 1:07 PM

Dear Joel,

I see, but maybe you’ll consider one thing. Do you remember the girl who was responsible for the last palestinian bombing against Israel? Do you know why she did that? It was because she saw her brother get shot by a soldier from Israel. Because she was mad about this she made a decision to blow herself up. This is terrible but every time you kill someone or blow up their house you are probably making ten of their family and friends your ememy for life. This way anger and violence will only increase.

Thank you.


Posted by: Roger on October 14, 2003 1:35 PM

Roger, when a former Iranian president openly advocates the use of nuclear weapons against Israel, boasting that “the use of a nuclear bomb in Israel will leave nothing on the ground, whereas it will only damage the world of Islam,” when Iran is already on record as desiring the destruction of the Jewish state, you have to be from Pluto to worry that preemptive action against Iran’s nuclear capabilities might make some people mad.


The choises we have in this world aren’t usually ‘good’ and ‘bad’ — it’s between ‘bad’ and much, MUCH worse. Our premises are too different to debate this further.

Posted by: Joel LeFevre on October 14, 2003 2:15 PM

Maybe Israel needs to reconsider the idea of living in peace with the Muslims, and instead needs to drive all Muslims as far away as possible except for the Muslims that disavow any portions of the Koran that can be interpreted as aggressive. In the long run though, I don’t see hope for Israel if Israel does not drastically increase the birth rate of Jewish people.

If Iran or another Muslim country were to use nuclear weapons against Israel right now, I don’t think Israel would limit its counterstroke to that country. I would expect them to annihilate all Muslim countries (at least in the Middle East), so that any Jewish people living in other countries would have a much less formidable foe to deal with once the radiation levels subsided.

Iran would be lucky if Israel destroyed Iran’s reactor just as the South (and the North) would have been lucky if the North had had a good general at the start of the American Civil War.

Posted by: P Murgos on October 14, 2003 3:13 PM
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