“We should have gone the UN route” disproved

A good point from the Wall Street Journal:

The apparent failure of the U.S. push for another U.N. resolution on Iraq is at least a clarifying moment. A body incapable of agreeing to endorse even post facto reconstruction could certainly never have been expected to enforce its Iraq resolutions in the first place. So much for the argument that a kinder, gentler approach by the Bush Administration would have won U.N. support.

This is not the first time that the kinder, gentler approach has been disproved by experiment. Hussein’s refusal to turn over his WMDs programs after the Gulf War despite the sanctions being placed on his country disproved the earlier argument of Gulf War opponents that sanctions alone would make Hussein withdraw from Kuwait. Of course, none of this makes any difference to the Anti-War Party.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 13, 2003 01:55 AM | Send

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