We must ally with Eastern Christians against Islam

“Islam is a collective psychosis seeking to become global, and any attempt to compromise with madness is to become part of the madness oneself,” warns Srdja (pronounced Serdya) Trifkovic. To meet this threat, Western Christians must put aside their differences with Eastern Christians and form a common front.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 11, 2003 04:10 PM | Send

That’s an incredible article by Serge Trifkovic, who along with Bat Yeor and Daniel Pipes is one of the few out there telling the truth about Islam. I agree, western Christians should bury that hatchet with Orthodox Christians. Perhaps the Orthodox church should welcome Christian Anglicans fleeing from the wreck of their church. It might help to create some bonds with the long-suffering Christians of the East.

The ruling secular liberal elite mentioned in the article aren’t going to give up power willingly. They have largely subverted and corrupted the democratic means offered as a method by which the remaining European majority could re-assert power. Worse, a significant number - perhaps even a majority - of the remaining European general public seems to be quite willing to go along with whatever lies the ruling elite and their media allies feed them. The US is only marginally better off in this regard in the post-Grutter era.

To paraphrase a remark on an earlier thread from Mr. Auster: We must become dissidents against this post-modern society. In a sense, we are not conservatives because there really isn’t anything in the ruling liberalism that’s worth conserving. Liberalism is a vast lie that needs to exposed as such. The only thing worth conserving is our nation, culture, and people.

Posted by: Carl on October 12, 2003 6:21 PM
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