Muslim sensitivity sessions for FBI

FBI director Robert Mueller has always struck me as a weak, cowardly, guilt-ridden sneak who was absolutely the wrong man for the job in the war against Islamic terror. So it is not surprising, though it is disgusting, to learn that under Mueller’s orders FBI agents have been required to undergo a Muslim sensitivity program presented by Muslim clerics. The imams tell the agents that jihad only means spiritual struggle, that the beliefs of Al Qaeda are not held by other Muslims, that Islam is a religion of peace, and so on. Also, the agency under Mueller has agreed to the establishment of a “national Muslim and Arab working group” including Islamist groups that routinely defend terrorists arrested by the FBI. According to agents critical of these sensitivity and outreach efforts,

If agents go into investigations with the assumption that American Muslims don’t believe what Al Qaeda terrorists believe and don’t sympathize with their cause, they may be easily snowed by Muslim suspects, witnesses and informants.

As bad as Mueller is, of course, he is only reflecting the appeasement-oriented policies of President Bush. Even after 9/11, Muslim American organizations that support militant Islamic terrorist groups have continued to meet regularly in the White House with top Bush Administration officials. (By the way, how would any of us like the chance to meet with the president and his advisors?) Frank Gaffney suggests that the President’s bizarre decision last spring to pursue a “road map” for Mideast peace that radically violated his previously stated refusal to deal with the Palestinians so long as they supported terrorism might have been a product of the administration’s close contacts with Wahhabi representatives.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 23, 2003 09:34 AM | Send

This is of a piece with President Bush’s earlier pandering to Moslem groups, itself part of the overall Bush/Rove strategy of pursuing the multiculturally worthier votes of people other than white Americans (i.e., votes they won’t get) by betraying the interests of multiculturally worthless white Americans (i.e., those whose votes they take for granted). One could ask why Bush, Mueller and Rove, white American men all, are culturally suicidal, but I am not sure there is any point any longer.

The Bush Administration has just announced another pander, to Mexicans and other hispanics this time. After being urged to review their willingness to accept the Mexican matricula consular (designed to give illegal aliens a plausible ID and the de facto amnesty that comes with it) as valid identification to open bank accounts - including by the new Homeland Security Administration - the Treasury Department has decided to stand pat: the matricula consular, a document designed and issued by a hostile foreign government to abet violations of U.S. immigration law, is good enough for us. One could ask the same question as above about John Snow. Again, what’s the point?

Through the FBI’s idiotic insistence on sensitizing its hapless agents to Moslems, thereby desensitizing them to terrorist threats, the Bush Administration is betraying all Americans as well as peaceable foreigners legally living in or visiting the country.

Two more instances of the fundamental unseriousness of the Bush administration and Bush/Rove Republicanism, and two more reasons why conservativism is throttled as a political force while people who would do these things can camouflage their liberalism behind a Republican label. Bush must go after 2004. HRS

Posted by: Howard Sutherland on September 23, 2003 10:22 AM

Mr. Auster’s opinion of Mueller could be confirmed by looking at Mueller’s resume. He has had many appointments, but never stays very long in any one place, until becoming head of the FBI. This is the type who can work for either party. He can be counted on to utter the standard platitudes about “diversity, tolerance, etc.”

Posted by: David on September 23, 2003 2:55 PM
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