Who’s more pacifistic than the Dalai Lama?

Here’s a curious sign of the decay of the West. While the main religious figure of the Western world, the Pope, frivolously denounced America’s overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime as an “unjust” war, the Dalai Lama, long known as an exponent of non-violence, says that it’s too soon to judge the Iraq war, and that the war in Afghanistan may have been justified to win a larger peace. The Dalai Lama’s refusal to denounce the Iraq war outright is remarkable in itself. You know something strange is happening when the leader of the Roman Catholic Church has sunk so far into the decadence of liberalism that he’s more pacifistic than the leader of Tibetan Buddhism!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 22, 2003 08:21 AM | Send

I think it’s a misconception to assume that pacifism is an essential part of Tibetan Buddhism. That seems to be a Western misconception, based on wishful thinking about what the Westerners want to see as an attractive alternative to Christianity, unsullied by any contact with real Buddhists. The government of Tibet kept real, and was not afraid to use, an army from the time the lamas began to rule that country until they lost it to the Red Chinese in 1950.

(I’m sure the response of the Western Buddhist wannabees would be that the government of Tibet wasn’t practicing “true” Buddhism, but that’s a bit like saying that the popes haven’t been practicing “true” Christianity. Come to think of it, I’ve heard people say that too. There are some people you just can’t argue with.)

Posted by: entonces_99 on September 22, 2003 10:15 AM

I don’t know that pacifism is an essential part of Tibetan Buddhism. But pacifism or non-violence would certainly seem to characterize the teachings of the best known Tibetan Buddhists including the Dalai Lama, and of Buddhists generally. The Buddhist belief that there is no self, but only a sequence of mental experiences, and therefore no necessary conflict between different selves, would seem to lend itself to pacifism. By contrast, Western Christianity, with its strong sense of moral dichotomies, would seem to be more naturally warlike.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on September 22, 2003 10:30 AM

The entire Catholic Magisterium seems to have gone left of AL Gore with exception of abortion. Most of them like Sodano and Martino support socialism via the UN. The Pope is a liberal. Do we need further evidence? I state this as someone who questions the reasons for the Iraq war. The last thing we needed was platitudes. Overall I guess I would have excepted a stricter stance of pacifism from the Dalai Lama.

Posted by: Victoria on September 22, 2003 11:46 AM

The fact that the Dalai Lama’s country is occupied by a brutal communist tyranny may have sharpened his mind. The Vatican and most of the Roman Catholic leadership have become the enemies of Western civilisation and propagandists for U.N global rule.

Posted by: Shawn on September 22, 2003 5:13 PM
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