Bush drifting in war on terror

Frank Gaffney is very much alarmed at President Bush’s recent drift. Apparently retreating in the one area where he had shown meaningful leadership, the war on terror, the president is making Clinton-like noises toward North Korea and declining to confront Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia, who will thus be free to continue to support the jihadis attacking our troops in Iraq. Most troublingly, though he talked strongly in his speech about waging war on the terrorists’ own soil in Iraq, he is now seeking a UN mandate for the continued U.S. occupation of that country. Such an arrangement would hand control over our actions to the very parties who have sought to undermine our policy from the start. Gaffney thinks the mastermind behind this disastrous presidential turnabout is Karl Rove, who has told Bush there must be no more wars before the ‘04 election.

By the way, what happened to the received truth that it is the imperialistic neocons who control the president’s brain?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 09, 2003 01:40 AM | Send

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