Lucianne thread on the Episcopal Church

Some conservatives may dismiss as a website for hyper-patriotic, Bush-worshipping Republicans who lack any critical insights into the culture. It will be harder to feel that way after browsing through this thread on the Episcopal Church’s approval of an open homosexual as bishop. While Grutter v. Bollinger and Lawrence v. Texas did not seem to light a fire under conservatives, this latest victory by the left seems to have done so, at least to some extent. I liked this comment in particular:

I’m sure Satan is having his celebratory glass of champagne this evening and once again, he won’t realize until tomorrow that he lost. Just as he gloated on the day of Christ’s crucifixion, thinking he had “won”. Since he’s not as smart as our heavenly Father, it took him awhile to figure out that the thing he had engineered actually set into motion the thing he feared most….people being redeemed unto salvation. What has happened is a bad thing that can still be turned to good. Those who are lukewarm about their faith will fall apart while those of us who truly believe will become stronger. “Be still and know that I am God.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 06, 2003 11:07 AM | Send

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