Cutting-edge pop theology in the New America

Another way to make a career: find a market that isn’t being served, put together a product line that might meet the demand, and roll out the offering as dramatically as possible. That’s what Tony Campolo seems to be doing. Campolo, an evangelical, sociologist and liberal, is best known publicly as one of the clerical props Bill Clinton used during his Monica difficulties. He gets around, so he if anyone is in a position to know that a lot of people who like old-time hellfire and brimstone preaching are rising in the world, and want to believe what Time Magazine readers are expected to believe. Tony’s response? Address a breakaway Baptist group and claim that the Southern Baptist Convention’s position against female clergy is “about as evil a statement as one can make,” call the statement “sinful,” and assert that anyone who makes it is “an instrument of the devil.” who would “change the Bible to fit their theology.” Then go on to attack Bush administration tax and environmental policies as “evil” and “sick,” and conclude by affirming both his belief in the Rapture and his faith that “we need to challenge the government to do the work of the Kingdom of God.” Truly a man with all bases covered!

[UPDATE: Tony Campolo has indeed nosed out a market: Alabama’s conservative Republican governor is calling for a $1.2 billion tax hike, largely on the backs of wealthier taxpayers, for the benefit of the poor.]
Posted by Jim Kalb at July 01, 2003 09:30 AM | Send


Who’s bending what to fit whose views?

“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.” I Tim 2:11-13

Hard to justify female clergy in this light.

This is just symptomatic of men no longer assuming the role of _men_. What God once said of Israel is quickly becoming true for us:

“As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of they paths.” (Isa 3:12)

Posted by: Joel on July 1, 2003 1:45 PM

I had the misfortune of actually reading one of Campolo’s books once, a mistake I will not repeat. He has staked out a market as Jim says, by being one of the only evangelical Christians in America to also espouse Marxism. I think the poor man is just a tad confused.

Posted by: Shawn on July 2, 2003 12:44 AM

A typical liberal of course. Any idea that a liberal doesn’t like is the product of “hate.” Therefore, if you hold it, you are a kook whose ideas need not even be considered.

Posted by: Steve Jackson on July 2, 2003 5:47 AM

The mystery is why the wider evangelical community continues not only to tolerate, but celebrate, Tony Campolo.

Campolo comes across, in the above article, as a “gay-rights” supporter who is shrewd enough to hide it (barely), but how else can one interpret comments addressed to homosexuals such as, ‘We’re on your side as you struggle for dignity’?

“Both of us are committed to justice for gays and lesbians regardless of what we may in fact say theologically”, says Campolo of himself and his wife - a rather telling statement; theology be damned, they support “gay-rights” anyway…

Posted by: Will S. on July 3, 2003 4:16 AM
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