Neumayr on the “dignity” of sodomy

Here is an excerpt from George Neumayr’s excellent article on the sodomy decision, which Rush Limbaugh read on the air today. In these comments, Neumayr skillfully turns the whole modernist dialectic on its head:

The majority on the Supreme Court declares that anti-sodomy laws compromise the “dignity” of homosexuals. The framers would reverse the judgment: it is sodomy that compromises their dignity, and it is the rule of law which points to and protects that dignity…. The Supreme Court says anti-sodomy laws “demean” people. The framers thought those laws would discourage people from demeaning each other through the slavery of sin.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 30, 2003 02:46 PM | Send

To underscore Mr. Auster’s point, here are 2 references from Concerned Women for America:

1) Mr. Jefferson’s rationale for opposing sodomy:

2) General Washinton’s expulsion of an officer from the army for attempting to commit sodomy, (which also notes that Mr. Jefferson actually wrote a bill to punish sodomy by castration!):

Posted by: Joel on June 30, 2003 4:05 PM
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