Jews immigrating into … Germany

What a world! Jews from the former Soviet Union are flooding into … Germany, which is now receiving more Jewish immigrants than any other country, including Israel. The influx has increased the number of German Jews (how strange those words look together) from 33,000 in 1990 to 200,000 today.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 06, 2003 05:10 PM | Send

I am currently reading “History of Israel: From Zionism to the Present” by Howard M. Sachar, a 1,000 page monolith that is putting the whole perspective together for me.

One thing I thought was morbidly ironic is that among the strongest early opponents of Zionism were the (pre-Third Riech) Jews of Germany. In a way it’s hard to blame them — so many had fought in the First World War on Germany’s behalf and considered themselves loyal Germans. Yet when the Fuhrer came to power they suffered the most.

I wonder whether, in the Grand Scheme of things, their opposition to the prophetic reestablishment of Israel, and their intense persecution that followed, was less than coincidental.

And I wonder whether their embrace of Germany currently, (over the option of Aliyah,) might not represent forgetting a very hard lesson.

Posted by: Joel on June 7, 2003 4:33 PM

Joel may be right. But I can think of another explanation: those ex-Soviet Jews may be remembering a different lesson. I refer to the treatment accorded defeated Nazi rulers and defeated Communist rulers. The first were defeated totally in a war; the latter were rulers of one of the victors in that war. Germany was subjected to denazification; nothing comparable happened to the Communist nomenklatura.

Posted by: frieda on June 9, 2003 7:04 AM

Frieda’s point is well taken. There are very good reasons why Jews should leave Russia, and why Germany would be a preferable than remaining where they are.

I only question whether at this point, with Anti-Semetism on the rise throughout Europe, whether it might not be a wiser choice to cast their lot with Israel.

Posted by: Joel on June 9, 2003 1:42 PM
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