The voice of America’s future?

“I’m sick and tired of hearing about academic quality,” Wilson exploded. “These schools are set up to educate the citizenry! It’s more important for us to educate the masses than to set up these Taj Mahal sacred cows that basically suck the lifeblood from a community for their own edification.”

That’s Texas state legislator Ron Wilson, quoted by Jeffrey Rosen in “How I Learned to Love Quotas,” New York Times Magazine, June 1, 2003. Wilson is the sponsor of a bill “that would require all graduate and professional schools in the U.T. system to guarantee 30 percent of their admissions slots to any person who graduates in the top 10 percent of any institution of higher education. If there aren’t enough seats in a class to accommodate all the qualified applicants, the schools must hold a lottery.” Rosen argues that if the current racial preference system is overthrown, plans such as Wilson’s—which would remove academic admissions standards for all students, not just for the lower IQ groups—are inevitable.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 05, 2003 02:54 PM | Send

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