Teen sex, suicide and SIECUS

It’s been known for years that sexual activity outside marriage cannot succeed in expressing love in a way that measures up to the meanings implicit in the act itself. “This is bigger than both of us” is an overwhelming but deceitful fantasy unless the activity helps constitute something objective and permanent that does not depend on the temporary feelings and interests of the parties. It is because something essential is so obviously missing in many cases that slang expressions for sexual intercourse have come to mean “abuse,” “disorder totally,” “make useless” and the like. So it shouldn’t be surprising that teen sex and radically increased rates of depression and suicide are so closely associated. It shouldn’t be surprising, that is, unless you belong to the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). In that case you, like Tamara Kreinin in the linked story, will attempt to explain away moral issues in favor of things that can be more easily manipulated by the policymakers and therapists of SIECUS.
Posted by Jim Kalb at June 04, 2003 11:58 AM | Send

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