Idiot’s Guide to Chinagate

Richard Poe offers an Idiot’s Guide to Chinagate, telling how President Clinton, because he didn’t like the idea of America’s being “too strong” relative to other countries, deliberately helped China become an effective nuclear power.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2003 02:20 PM | Send

It’s true of course that Bill & Hillary and their friends agreed with leftist doctrine that the world would be a better place if the military strength of the U.S.’s potential enemies were brought more into line with the U.S.’s military strength, to even up the playing field and prevent U.S. “hegemony,” U.S. hegemony being an intrinsically evil thing if only because the U.S. is predominantly white and Christian, which are two intrinsically evil qualities. So, that part is certainly true. But Clinton also betrayed his country into the hands of its potentially deadliest of mortal enemies purely for cold campaign cash: such was the level of disgust which his administration induced in people around the country that Dem Party coffers weren’t filling fast enough, and there was the possibility he simply wouldn’t be able to finance a strong re-election campaign.

Why wasn’t he prosecuted for capital treason and sent to the gas chamber (as was Julius Rosenberg for lesser crimes)?

If this account in isn’t sickening enough, Poe also has a blog entry which links to a fuller account of this piece of sewage’s crimes throughout his term in office, crimes which were committed literally non-stop for eight years. People commenting on this account at FreeRepublic (a discussion which Poe also links to in his blog entry) said that after reading it they felt they had to shower. One or two said they felt as if they had to clean out their computer after running this piece through it. It’s here, for those who can stomach it:

After reading it, try to imagine what pieces of ordure diehard Clinton supporters like Sid Blumenthal must be.

Posted by: Unadorned on June 3, 2003 6:11 PM

My comment, above, was a little unclear in regard to the exact link at Poe’s Blog I was referring to. My post links to a May 29th Poe’s Blog entry entitled, “Whitewater Chronology 1976 - 2001.” The text of that Poe’s Blog entry contains three links, whereof the piece I refer to is found at the second, “Whitewater Chronology.” This link takes the reader to the eye-opening piece at the WSJ Opinion Journal site.

Posted by: Unadorned on June 3, 2003 7:54 PM

Unadorned is, of course, right on the mark regarding the treason of Clinton. The unanswered question is: why have the Republicans allowed him to get away with it? Moreover, why have George W. Bush and the Republican leadership continued the policy of transferring sensitive military technology to China? Is it stupidity or is it treason?

Since today is the 14th anniversary of the Tiennamen Square massacre, it’s a question worth pondering.

Posted by: Carl on June 4, 2003 3:20 AM

Posted by: Carl on June 4, 2003 03:20 AM
“why have the Republicans allowed him to get away with it?”

carl answers his own question:

“George W. Bush and the Republican leadership continued the policy of transferring sensitive military technology to China”

Posted by: abby on June 4, 2003 3:43 AM

“Moreover, why have George W. Bush and the Republican leadership continued the policy of transferring sensitive military technology to China? Is it stupidity or is it treason?” — Carl

I did not know this. If this is accurate, it is an outrage of unbelievable proportions, just one of many which President Bush and that buffoon Karl Rove have to answer for, such as the whole open borders outrage, the continuation of women’s lib policies begun in the worst spirit of the previous administration like putting women — even including single mothers — in combat units, and the failure to take a clear stand against multi-culti and AA. As of now I do not believe I could vote for George Bush no matter who is running against him. If his policies are indistinguishable from Clinton’s, who could be worse than he is?

There is something politically wrong with the entire Bush family. (I was going to say “philosophically wrong,” but they have no philosophy — that in a way is precisely the problem.)

Posted by: Unadorned on June 4, 2003 6:59 AM
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