Gay tolerance

A report from the front: The Intimidation Tactics of Homosexual Activists.
Posted by Jim Kalb at May 05, 2003 12:10 PM | Send

I had decided long ago that homosexual behavior was the quintessence of sin or vice. Now it’s becoming apparent that homosexual liberation is the quintessence of liberalism. I guess that’s not a coincidence.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on May 5, 2003 5:39 PM

Homosexual behavior is socially subversive, it rejects and violates the traditional moral order, and it is a purely willed form of sexuality that by its nature cannot give rise to children. To liberalism the ultimate tyranny is the creation of a new person in this unequal world without that person’s consent and in such a way as to give rise to obligations that transcend what the individual parents happen to want. To liberalism the ultimate freedom, the ultimate absence of coercion, is the state of death. The sodomite sacramentally affirms all of these things: he makes them actual in the world by misusing and debasing the most profound of human powers — the sexual power to create another human being from one’s own body in loving cooperation with another human being. Thus the sodomite is the ultimate expression of liberalism; the ultimate self-willed non-coercing non-obligating and non-obligated liberal man.

Posted by: Matt on May 5, 2003 11:19 PM
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