Fortuyn was killed over immigration, not animal rights

Though the man who killed Pim Fortuyn happens to be an animal rights activist, his motive was to silence Fortuyn’s criticisms of Muslim immigration. On the first day of his trial in the Netherlands, Volkert van der Graaf said his goal was to stop Fortuyn’s exploiting Muslims as “scapegoats” and targeting “the weak parts of society to score points” to try to gain political power. “I confess to the shooting. He was an ever growing danger who would affect many people in society. I saw it as a danger. I hoped that I could solve it myself.” This is the first time since the killing that van der Graaf has explained why he did it.

So it turns out that the initial impression at the time of Fortuyn’s death—which was deflected by the fact that the murderer was an animal rights campaigner—was correct after all. In an abyss of hysteria and hatred, the entire European media had been treating this rational, moderate immigration reformer as the equivalent of Hitler come back to life, and, unsurprisingly, someone took their denunciations seriously. Fortuyn was targeted and eliminated by the European establishment for speaking about the dangers of unassimilable Muslim immigration.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 28, 2003 10:39 AM | Send


There is a letter to Peter Brimelow on VDARE from a writer in Virginia expressing sentiments very similar to the assassin’s - namely, that he would fight Brimelow and everyone who agrees with VDARE to the death, etc. Leftists (anti-Racists, feminists, et al) are every bit as fanatical about their religion as the Islamists are about theirs. Fortuyn was a leftist also, but was murdered for making an unpricipled exception. Absent some miracle or Divine intervention, Europe is finished.

Posted by: Carl on March 28, 2003 12:11 PM

I’m not sure I would say that Fortuyn was engaging in the unprincipled exception in his immigration stand. It seems more like the opposite. He was being a principled liberal who recognized and explicitly stated that Muslims are antithetical to Western liberalism.

An example of the unprincipled exception would be the liberal who believes that “people can do as they like,” but when that radical freedom that he supports starts resulting in real social chaos to the point where the liberal feel threatened, he says, “NOW it’s gone too far,” and he retrenches. But he has no principle that he’s appealing to against the principle of liberal freedom. It’s just that things have reached a point where he’s no longer comfortable with all the consequences of that principle.

Fortuyn, by contrast, said he believed in freedom (particularly sexual freedom), and therefore opposed giving complete freedom of immigration to people who would destroy that freedom. Thus, in regards to that specific issue, he was a principled liberal—an almost extinct species today.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on March 28, 2003 1:12 PM

It seems to me that every liberal exercise of coercive power over the non-consenting is an unprincipled exception, though. Because the real world is not composed of free and equal ubermenschen every liberal has to pick and choose, against his “better impulses,” who he is going to coerce and what rights he is defending in so doing. Liberals differ in what rights they find important and in who they believe is oppressor and oppressed, but the entire oppressor-oppressed dynamic is (to the liberal) a concession to a temporary reality that exists only because the free and equal ubermensch has not fully arisen from the ashes of history (in part by exterminating, either actively or by attrition, the untermenschen).

“Unprincipled exceptions” may be unprincipled, but they aren’t random. They always relate to who the particular liberal sees as oppressor and oppressed, and therefore what coercion is (unfortunately in the liberal view) necessary to usher in the new age of free and equal supermen. Most leftists see Islam as an oppressed class still enslaved by history and imperialism, but Fortuyn because of Islam’s threat to his sexual obsessions saw it as oppressor.

Posted by: Matt on March 28, 2003 1:54 PM

The death of Pim Fortuyn was a great tragedy, and it made him an unlikely martyr for immigration reform movements of the West. The anti-white Left is so threatened by any outspoken dissent on these issues that some (including the violent-sounding anti-white critics of Vdare) feel the need to kill, or at the very least, explain away assassinations like this.

The Leftist media’s treatment of Fortuyn, both before and after his assassination, indicate how little concerned they are with their own “rhetoric of hate.”

What made Fortuyn unique was that he was an open homosexual who wanted to keep Holland for the Dutch, in all its unique and sometimes now libertine ways. This idea of keeping the ethnocultural integrity of the nation-state alive — be it America, Israel or any other Western state — is perhaps the most heretical idea that can be expressed today.

Fortuyn was able to attract a wide coalition of followers in Holland, well beyond just his homosexual and academic circles. Culturally conservative shopkeepers, worn down by the high rates of non-white crime, and even many of the immigrants themselves rallied to his cause. This was why the Left felt so threatened. One hopes that equally energetic people in the West will engage in politics on this issue. I am concerned that Fortuyn’s death will unfortunately have the effect of keeping more people away from this issue.

One of Fortyun’s central insights which I think is relevant for traditionalists and VFR readers is essentially that: “Let us have our nation-state in tact. Let us not have to worry about the constant influx of new arrivals. Once that is accomplished, then we can be in a better position to decide what the best tax policy is, drug policy, abortion, education, etc.”

Many traditionalists I know want to focus on these issues first (and there are compelling reasons to do so). They are in effect trying to change policies based on a foundation of quick sand. As the demographics keep rapidly changing in the West, so also will the fortunes of the pro-lifers, the tax cutters, the gun rights advocates, the lovers and preservers of great Western art and so on.

Posted by: Bob Vandervoort on March 28, 2003 2:55 PM

As a side issue, I seem to be the only extant conservative who supports animal “rights” (admittedly not a good expression, but we’re stuck with it— some would say, pace Bentham, that even to speak of human rights is nonsense). I often hear ridicule of the idea from Taranto, Goldberg,, but never any real argument, which is one reason I was so glad to see the recent release of former Bush staffer Matthew Scully’s book Dominion. I can’t for the life of me understand why a conservative, or anyone else for that matter, would want to be seen supporting slaughterhouses (unless the Saddam Fedayeen were inside). The only halfway decent argument against animal rights that I can understand is that it has always been done that way, a conservative argument to be sure; but the same can be said about many other evils, like slavery. I won’t go on herew about the arguments for animals; they can be readily found.
That said, no doubt I will be savaged by commentators here for my stance: inconsistent, not conservative, etc. At any rate, it is too bad that so many animal rights supporters are certified loonies, like the man who shot Fortuyn. If he had been a rightist, this story would still be given major media play. Fortuyn was right about Islam and immigration, and the West needs to wake up.

Posted by: Gracián on March 28, 2003 3:00 PM

Pim Fortuyn was a highly intelligent, even brilliant man, who had a deep love for Holland — and precisely because of that he was deeply critical of its excesses and, most of all, its narrowmindness, its smallness of mind.

He was too complicated to be categorized. One might say he was a neoconservative who happened to be exuberantly gay.

But the idea, much bandied abound in the foreign conservative media, that he was a true liberal is, I think, in the end false.

It’s a shame none of his writings have been translated into English, but his greatest book was “De verweesde samenleving” — “The orphaned society-a religious-political tract”, in which he probingly described the absence of the law-making Father and the loving Mother. This was a deeply conservative book, albeit by a man who loved liberty, including the liberty to be able to be a practicing homosexual without having to be punished by that.

His opposition to Islamic immigration was only partially based on the very prevalent homophobia among them. He simply recognized the Islamic threat for what it is.

His political assassination —and we will never know if Volkert van der Graaf was not working for parts of the Dutch establishment, which felt, righly, deeply threatened by Fortuyn’s meteoric rise to power— was a tragedy of the Dutch people. It was in all likelihood the end of their last chance to be deal with the Islamic threat without violence.

Now that he is dead, and his followers have been unable to do much with the political mandate Fortuyn received after his death, the Netherlands has only two alternatives: violent confrontation or slowly ceding ground to the sharia abiding Islamists.

The Dutch are noted for being cowards. Fortuyn was courageous. He is no longer there. The Dutch will therefore drift towards the second option.

It will belong to the Islamic cultural empire in a generation.

Posted by: S.P. on March 28, 2003 6:07 PM

“Now that [Pim Fortuyn] is dead, and his followers have been unable to do much with the political mandate Fortuyn received after his death, the Netherlands has only two alternatives: violent confrontation or slowly ceding ground to the Sharia abiding Islamists. The Dutch are noted for being cowards. Fortuyn was courageous. He is no longer there. The Dutch will therefore drift towards the second option. [The country of Holland] will belong to the Islamic cultural empire in a generation.” — S.P.

This is exactly what was predicted by an authoritative source which I read less than a year ago: Holland would, barring drastic changes in immigration policy, have a Muslim majority or a Muslim plurality within the next fifteen or twenty years. (Needless to add, any Muslim plurality in any democratic, Western, guilt-ridden country will take steps to convert itself extremely quickly, by means of immigration policy, birth rates, government privileges of all sorts including affirmative action and quotas, etc., into a frank Muslim majority. And once there is a frank Muslim majority, folks, it’s all over — all … ALL … is lost and is never coming back.) In my opinion, every country of Europe will follow Holland along this insane path unless heads get screwed-on frontwards about immigration over there mighty quick, before it’s too late. Yes, Pim is dead — but where are the élites of the white Euro Christian world who can and should be taking his place? Where are they who have the means to take up the standard which Pim paid for with his life and carry it to final victory? We VFR readers who post comments here are puny nobodies. Why in God’s name are our own élites handing us over to a Muslim-Mexican-Afro-Asian future?

Posted by: Unadorned on March 28, 2003 11:37 PM

First of all, to Gracian, I think there is a traditionalist conservative position on the issue of “animal rights” which I think is closely related to a possible position on “environmentalism.” To put it simply, animals - being part of God’s creation - are not to be wantonly exploited, wasted, or destoyed. In short, they (like all of the creation) have an intrinsic value. While not equal in value to human life, the natural physical creation is a Divine gift meant to be enjoyed in a manner that would please its creator. Mankind has been granted the right of stewardship over this Divine creation, not absolute ownership. I once saw an Orthodox Jewish prayer that asks God’s permission to cut down a tree in order to use its wood for housing and various utensils. I believe that this prayer reflects a proper attitude on the issue of our relationship with the creation. This, of course, stands in stark contrast to both Godless materialism and Gaia-worship.

Unadorned, what amazes me about the Euro-elites is that they are simply unable to comprehend that their own days are numbered along with those who they’ve been so busily betraying all these years. Pim Fortuyn was one of the very few who seemed to understand this. There is something resembling a sick death-wish, perhaps viewed as a love-death, amongst the Euro-elite and the people who vote them into power year after year. As far a Christianity goes, I suspect that bonafide Christianity has been dead in Europe for all intents and purposes for decades - most especially on the formerly Protestant areas of Holland, Sacandinavia, Germany and (to a marginally lesser degree) England. The heavily Catholic areas like Italy, Spain and Ireland are now in freefall as well. Catholicsim was already heavily damaged in France as a result of the French revolution.

As I stated earlier: Unless there is some huge wave of repentence or other miracle, Europe is finished. The whole place will part of an Islamic union within 50 years with the native Europeans a savagely oppressed minority in their own countries. If the battle is to be joined at all, it will be here in America. The Tranzi/NWO elites are a far greater danger to what is left then Islam per se. I guess Mr. Kalb really peeled things down to their essence in another thread - apart from a spiritual renewal there is little if any hope for the civilization we at VFR seek to preserve. Its true roots lie in one who is outside of ourselves and its restoration will happen only when this true source is acknowledged.

Posted by: Carl on March 29, 2003 3:39 AM

” … what amazes me about the Euro-elites is that they are simply unable to comprehend that their own days are numbered along with those whom they’ve been so busily betraying all these years. Pim Fortuyn was one of the very few who seemed to understand this. There is something resembling a sick death-wish, perhaps viewed as a love-death, amongst the Euro-elite and the people who vote them into power year after year. As far as Christianity goes, I suspect that bonafide Christianity has been dead in Europe to all intents and purposes for decades - most especially in the formerly Protestant areas of Holland, Scandinavia, Germany and (to a marginally lesser degree) England. The heavily Catholic areas like Italy, Spain and Ireland are now in freefall as well.” — Carl

And to think H.G. Wells foresaw it a hundred years ago and tried to warn us by means of a book born of tension arising in his mind subconsciously between Fabian Socialism on the one hand and the reality of human existence on the other — tension which his integrity, perhaps, kept him from dissipating through an unprincipled exception, so it came out in the form of a book (whose very accurate message he may or may not have been consciously aware of?). Maybe we should send a copy of the book or movie to every member of the Euro-U.S. élites. (It wouldn’t hurt either if a few of them started reading View From the Right and , of course — might help them shake off some of their Eloi torpor.)

In that movie there’s is a striking little scene where Rod Taylor asks an Eloi if they have any books and is shown a bookcase whose volumes (symbolising of course man’s accumulated culture, learning, and wisdom since civilization began) haven’t been touched in millennia and are literally crumbling to dust like some musty thing we might find today in an ancient Egyptian tomb. He takes one of them in his hands and opens it to see what it is, but it disintegrates to powder. I think this is the moment in the film where Tayor realizes the depths to which the soulless, unholy “moderns” will have dragged our civilization in the future.

In passionate disgust and revulsion at the Eloi man standing coldly uncomprehending and uncaring next to him, he slams the crumbling, disintegrating book fragments shut in a burst of moldy dust and furiously exclaims, with sudden emotion, something like, “A MILLION YEARS OF MEN DYING FOR THEIR DREAMS AND IDEALS, AND FOR WHAT???”

Realizing he’s talking to a brick wall, he doesn’t even bother trying to explain, but stalks off.

Posted by: Unadorned on March 29, 2003 1:47 PM
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