E-mail exchange with Buchanan

Now that the war has begun, Patrick Buchanan has come out with a column in which he says “God Bless America” and wishes our troops a speedy success. Of course, those troops are not in Iraq on their own accord, they are following the orders of their Commander in Chief, whom Buchanan has accused of being under the thumb of conniving Jews who have tricked him into fighting a war which in reality is only for Israel’s benefit. After the things Buchanan has been saying over the last year, including his magazine’s embrace of a wacko anti-American like Norman Mailer, hearing hear him say “God Bless America” had somewhat the same impact as hearing Noam Chomsky say it. I finally had had enough and wrote to him personally:

LA to Patrick Buchanan:

You publish a magazine that has featured, among other things, illustrations showing Uncle Sam as a depraved homicidal maniac targeting the world. And now, having pursued this anti-American line for all these months, and having just written an article charging that the government is cynically fooling the American people into sending their young men die in a war that in reality is being fought solely for the sake of Israel, you glibly turn around and say “God Bless America.” Your sudden conversion doesn’t wash with me, Mr. Buchanan.

Here is Buchanan’s reply:

Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 3:48 p.m.

Subject: Re: Email for Pat Buchanan

If it doesn’t wash, it doesn’t wash. Deal with it. PJB.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 20, 2003 05:38 PM | Send

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