Immigration exposes us to the threat of mass death

As we approach war, knowing for a certainty that our enemies will do everything they can to unleash weapons of terrorist death and destruction on our cities, ranging from dirty bombs to anthrax to smallpox to sarin, and also knowing for a certainty that our enemies only have the potential ability to do these things because they are physically present in the United States, we must ask: why have fundamentalist Muslims not been relocated (or, preferably, deported from the U.S. altogether), just as the Japanese on the West Coast were relocated during World War II? We face the all-too-real possibility that tens or even hundreds of thousands of American civilians may be killed in the next few days and weeks, yet this possibility could not exist without the presence of Muslims in this country. While the administration has belatedly initiated some screenings and detentions of men from terror-supporting countries, the fact remains that our non-discriminatory immigration (and visa) policies—still backed to the full by both political parties and the entire American establishment—have left us open to mass death and ruin on a scale unprecedented in our history. When I wrote The Path to National Suicide, I was not thinking of the suicide in such literal terms.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 18, 2003 04:23 PM | Send

“We face the all-too-real possibility that tens or even hundreds of thousands of American civilians may be killed in the next few days and weeks, yet this possibility could not exist without the presence of Muslims in this country. While the administration has belatedly initiated some screenings and detentions of men from terror-supporting countries, the fact remains that our non-discriminatory immigration (and visa) policies—still backed to the full by both political parties and the entire American establishment—have left us open to mass death and ruin on a scale unprecedented in our history. When I wrote The Path to National Suicide, I was not thinking of the suicide in such literal terms.” — Lawrence Auster

AMEN! and AMEN! and AMEN!

Posted by: Unadorned on March 18, 2003 7:32 PM
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