Earth to conservatives: Blacks like affirmative action

Remember the cry of all the mainstream conservatives: “Affirmative action harms blacks”? Well, here’s a black lawyer writing to the Washington Post who sees affirmative action as having made his whole life possible: “Affirmative action opened opportunities to attend our nation’s best institutions and exponentially increased our life chances. A few of us would have made it anyway, but I don’t claim to be one of them.” But then, having admitted that he and most of his fellow black professionals didn’t have the grades to get where they got without AA, he turns around and says that the racial preferences were only for “qualified” minorities. Thus the AA recipients continue to have it both ways, enjoying both the unearned racial advancement and the phony self-esteem of having “earned” it.

How is that the mainstream conservatives never acknowledge the obvious fact that blacks benefit mightily—in both a material and a psychological sense—from affirmative action?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 04, 2003 10:49 AM | Send

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