There are things worse than war

Here’s one of Arnold Ahlert’s “mini-columns” in the New York Post, dealing with the war issue, followed by an e-mail I sent him.

Orange Alert Forever?

February 12, 2003—MANY Americans are rightly afraid of war, but the alternative may be even scarier: a country under constant and unrelenting threat of terrorism. I do not understand how the Israeli people go about their daily lives in a country where even the most routine aspects of living regularly get people killed. Commuting to work, dining out, attending university classes or even staying home can be fatal. No one is immune, from the tiniest baby to the frailest grandmother, from the wanton bloodlust of those who murder indiscriminately.

But I don’t want to understand how the Israelis do it.

I don’t want to live in a country that “grudgingly accepts” a certain level of random killing for some theoretical “greater good” that involves avoiding all-out war. The appeasers and anti-war demonstrators must be incredibly naive if they think those who would commit “suicide for Allah” are open to “negotiation.” All Americans must understand that there is absolutely nothing about Islamic fundamentalism that even suggests co-existence is possible.

No one wants war simply for war’s sake. But when you walk past the armed guards at subway entrances and synagogues, when you see police inspecting trucks at tunnels and bridges, when “orange alert” becomes the order of the day—you begin to realize that some things are worse than war.

Like terror with no end in sight.

Dear Mr. Ahlert:

Great column today. You really put it well. Unless we actually defeat the jihadists and terrorists, we will never be free of them. Our future will be like that of Israel’s, always living under the threat of terrorist attacks.

But do you also realize that we will never be free of the constant threat of terrorism in this country so long as there is a significant population of Mideast Muslims among us, many of whom believe in jihad and the imposition of Islamic law? Why do you think we’re facing this threat? If we had never started admitting mass immigration from Muslim countries back in 1965, which led in turn to a totally open attitude to all visitors from those countries including the 9/11 hijackers, 9/11 could never have occurred and we wouldn’t be under this threat now.

Larry Auster

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 15, 2003 01:38 PM | Send

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