What to do with Muslims in the West

Islam is a collective psychosis seeking to become global, and any attempt to compromise with madness leads to becoming part of the madness oneself. No one who believes that jihad is the right or duty of all Muslims, or who promotes adoption of Shari’a law or reestablishment of the caliphate, should be allowed to settle in any Western country, and every applicant should be asked. The passport of anyone preaching jihad should be revoked.

Serge Trifkovic, Chronicles, February 3, 2002

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 13, 2003 02:16 AM | Send

Serge Trifkovic is completely right. He has been one of the few voices on the conservative right to take a clear and principled stand on the issue of Muslim immigration and his understanding of Islam is unclouded by PC delusions. His book ‘The Sword of the Prophet’ is a must read.

Posted by: Shawn on February 13, 2003 7:48 AM

It would be funny if it wasn’t so terrible. The paleos support immigration restrictions and oppose a war against the Muslim extremists and terrorists abroad. The neocons support a war against the Muslim extremists and terrorists abroad and oppose immigration restrictions.

Now, let’s see, is there any possible common ground between these parties? :-)

(That smile is sad.)

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on February 13, 2003 10:28 AM

Lawrence Auster writes:
“Now, let’s see, is there any possible common ground between these parties? :-)”

The paleo’s recognize and understand the principle of subsidiarity, where as the neocons are primarily Hegelian and Straussian, with the unfortunate twist of many taking manifest destiny to a global level.

If the neocons have ever given a viable argument proving Pax Americana and US imperialist hegemony is consistent with subsidiarity, correctly understood, I have certainly never seen it. Nor do I expect to, since I suspect you are asking for common ground between truth and neocon error.

Lastly, the statement of, “oppose a war against the Muslim extremists and terrorists abroad”, is in error, because it subverts the paleo position. The paleos do not deny just war and self defense, but are against unjust war and imperialism

Posted by: F. Salzer on February 13, 2003 11:33 AM
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