On Christianity and the Race-conscious Right

This brief e-mail exchange on the race-conscious right’s need for Christianity, and the reasons why many on the right are currently anti-Christian as well as anti-Jewish, may be of interest:


My own desire is to have a race-conscious movement that is moral and civilized and that confronts the current liberal orthodoxy on the basis of principle, not animus. Part of being moral and civilized is understanding that race is only a part of the picture. For some on the racialist right, race is the main thing or the only thing, so I part company with them on that. Also, being moral and civilized means being free of anti-Semitism, which I distinguish from rational and legitimate criticism of Jews.

Bob Vandervoort:

This, I think, is at the crux of any budding race-conscious and racial-realist movement. How to combine a sense of morality to balance and anchor an awareness of these issues? Carol Swain makes the good point that as a result of the liberals sweeping these issues under the rug, white nationalists are left debating each other, or, as she puts it, “extremists egging each other on” to see who can out do each other the most.

My own belief is that a return to the West’s traditional notions of Judeo-Christian morality is the anchor the movement needs. This is obviously controversial among some racialists who are atheists, agnostics, or even Odinists and pagans. They see Judaism as an inherently destructive force on the West (and for genetic reasons to boot) and that Christianity (in a Nietzchean view) as the weak step-sister of that religion, further contributing to the West’s decline.


We’re in agreement on the need for traditional religion and morality as the necessary basis for conservatives to deal with the problem of racial diversity. Given how antiwhite and anti-Western organized Christianity has become, the growing anti-Christian attitudes on the racialist right are perfectly understandable. But in rejecting Christianity, racial realists fail to understand that Christianity is going through exactly the same crisis as the rest of the West. The white race is currently liberal, delusional and suicidal, just as the Christian churches are, yet I haven’t noticed race-conscious whites turning against the white race. So why are they turning against Christianity? I believe it’s because many of them are atheist materialists who want to get rid of transcendent morality. But that would be the death of the West, and of the white race along with it.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 14, 2003 12:57 AM | Send


In his essay “Repatriating the West” (available at http://www.thornwalker.com/ditch/ ), Ronald N. Neff comments on the relationship between Christianity, the white race, and Western civilization:

“It is a simple historical fact that the West grew up and thrived so closely knit to Christianity that it cannot be imagined without it. The West without cathedrals? without its religious art and music? without its distinctive codes of law?

It may be that the whites of Western Europe could have developed a distinctive civilization without Christianity, but there is no guarantee that it would be anything we could recognize. Certainly the whites of Persia built nothing like it. As a matter of empirical fact, we can also say that it was not the Norse warrior ethic or devotion to the gods of the forest that made the West great. And the only empirical evidence that philosophical atheism can build a civilization is not such as to inspire confidence. {…}

Empirically speaking, then, there is no evidence whatever that there could be a West or anything like it without Christianity.”

Posted by: Will S on January 14, 2003 6:57 AM

A very interesting exchange. One item I would add to the discussion is that the inherent universalism of all Western churches (Catholic and Protestant) only adds fuel to the multiculturalist fire consuming even conservative Protestant churches today. The only branch of Christianity that seems to acknowledge the existence of ethnicity in positive manner appears to be Orthodoxy. Was the split of 1054 the real beginning of the destructive force of liberalism - which has now nearly destroyed the West, and the white race with it?

Posted by: Carl on January 16, 2003 1:52 AM

But the multiculturalist tilt of the Western churches is quite recent. It was only a couple years ago that the man died who was the first Catholic to propose that racism is a sin.

The tilt is attributable I think to the same source as multiculturalism generally, the abolition of the transcendent. In society at large the result of abolition was to make individual desire absolute, which required the abolition of cultural standards and restraints — the real point of multiculturalism. In the churches there was the additional consequence that the human other, the more other the better, replaced God as the sacred Wholly Other. So those who are as different as possible from the dominant white middle-class Christian majority have become sacred objects.

Posted by: Jim Kalb on January 16, 2003 7:22 AM
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