Nigerian coverage of riots

A quick scan of Nigerian newspapers on the Web indicates an astonishing lack of coverage, at least in several papers, of the Muslim riots that as of Monday had reportedly killed 200 persons, destroyed many homes and churches, caused 4,500 people to seek shelter, and sent the Miss World contest seeking safer coasts in England. Thus the November 25th edition of The Nigerian Tribune, with about 15 headlines on its main page, had none dealing with the riots. The Comet, “To Live in Truth is to Serve,” had no headlines on its main page about the riots, though there were links to every kind of political story in Nigeria. The Daily Independent had a few stories on the mayhem, one indicating that violence was still going on or was threatened.

Perhaps the differences in coverage depend on whether a paper is run by Christians or Muslims.

Also, though the Nigerians’ official language is English, they use it somewhat differently from any language we would recognize. At the New Nigerian, I found an opinion piece called “Behold The Age Of Mobism(II),” by Abdulkarim Albashir, and thought it might have something to do with the riots. As can be seen from the article’s first paragraph, however, it’s hard to tell what, if anything, is the subject.

But who are we to say so for fear of the horseship of sentimocrats, who indulge, constantly, in the trade, of the solemnization of mind set and diversionary ploys, with guns of insults, at the ready, for a kill seeking to impose on us, the twisted logic of the inner receses of their minds, as our universal philosophy, with all its vicious garbs of unholiness and deceit. When you meet a people of mind set, be sure to take cover from the injurious wounds of illogical deduction, in a discourse.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 25, 2002 01:15 PM | Send

In the early part of Genesis humans attempted to build a tower to the heavens to be like God. In the midst of the project their language became confused and they found they could no longer talk to each other; but that incident, and widespread knowledge of it, hasn’t prevented thousands of years of similar attempts with similar results.

Posted by: Matt on November 25, 2002 2:30 PM
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