New poll

We have a new poll—do vote!

In our most recent poll, 34.4% of those responding thought it would most likely be at least 5 years before the next terrorist attack claiming more than 500 lives takes place in America. Of the remainder, 21.9% thought it would be at least 3 years, 25% at least one year, and 18.8% less than one year. It seems then that on average our readers expect such attacks every 3-5 years.
Posted by Jim Kalb at September 16, 2002 09:54 AM | Send


The US should increase its involvement in world affairs, but not try and control them. America’s greatest strengths are its energy, creativity and inclusiveness, but a certain amount of isolationism means the world sees this as arrogance and indifference. Listening to the concerns of other countries would show that the American Way doesn’t often work outside America. (I think I’d need a full essay to explain what I mean satisfactorily.)

Posted by: Ian on September 16, 2002 10:08 AM

I chose “other” because it is unclear what good either of these options would do to a determined group of fanatics with access to comparatively meager resources. Even made up or long dead grievances could spark the use of such weapons; perhaps even a move to non-intervention could spark such an event. Yes, that is relatively unlikely but there still could be domestic groups like Atlzan (or is it Altzan?) or other sundry organizations that would love to hold the US hostage to impliment their policies. Heck, if the Animal Liberation Front or whathaveyou got a hold of a contagious and very lethal disease they could attempt to wipe out humanity. It is hard to base a foreign or even a domestic policy if/when such weapons are proliferating.

Posted by: John on September 17, 2002 1:49 AM
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