Murder of deputy shocks Seattle liberals out of racial delusions

When Seattle sheriff’s deputy Richard Herzog used pepper spray to restrain a black man who had been running naked in traffic, the man knocked Deputy Herzog to the ground, seized his service revolver, and repeatedly shot him in front of nearly 50 motorists. The murder has, for the moment, shocked the good liberals of Seattle out of their notion that police must use extra “sensitivity” when dealing with black suspects. It has also put a halt to massive demonstrations that Seattle blacks had been planning to force the police to change their supposedly brutal treatment of blacks. Everyone in Seattle seems to understand that it was to avoid such supposedly brutal treatment of a black and the resulting charges of racism that Deputy Herzog used pepper spray on the deranged man instead of his weapon, a decision that cost him his life.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 13, 2002 01:46 PM | Send

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