Purging Christianity from our culture

Can conservatives grasp the connection between non-discriminatory mass immigration (which they support) and the loss of our culture (which they deplore)? To find out, I addressed the following letter to columnist David Limbaugh regarding his article “Purging Christianity from our Culture”:

You write (and I agree) that Biblical values are at the core of our society, that we will decline in proportion to our rejection of Biblical values, and that we cannot afford the de-Biblicization of the public square and of our culture.

That being the case, let me ask you this: How do you view the continuing mass immigration of non-Western, non-Christian people into this country? Isn’t it obvious that the more such people there are in America, the greater the pressure and ideological justification there will be to remove Biblical values from the public square and from our culture?

Our current immigration law, put in place in 1965, gives every country on earth the same basic annual immigration quota. It is rigorously non-discriminatory. Muslims, for example, are as welcome as Christians. Since our immigration law treats the religion of newcomers as a matter of complete indifference, that’s the same as saying that it treats the future religious character of America (which is being shaped by that immigration) as a matter of complete indifference.

Therefore, given what you see as the centrality of Biblical values to American society, do you support the current immigration law? If not, how do you think it ought to be changed?
Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 03, 2002 08:35 AM | Send


I believe both Limbaugh and his brother Rush, think this is still the America of 1965. Both of them will (rarely) say they are against “illegal immigration,” oblivious to the fact that “legal” and “illegal” are pretty much the same nowadays.

Posted by: David on July 3, 2002 6:42 PM
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