Feminism and universal tyranny

British feminists call for continued Western occupation of Afghanistan, and Nicholas Kristof takes time out from abusing anyone with doubts about CEDAW to speak of “the half of the globe where to be female is to be persecuted until, often, death.” Is there a certain pattern here?

Meanwhile, closer to home, all decent people are convinced that in a country in which radical sex equality is incontestable dogma basic fairness for girls and women requires comprehensive federal regulation of all significant social activities. No matter how much “progress” is made, there’s still a lot more to be done and you need the feds involved to make it happen. Is this all just a manifestation of the natural tendency of managerial liberalism toward comprehensive control, or is there also a specific sex-linked element, Mom’s eternal difficulty seeing where she leaves off and her children begin?
Posted by Jim Kalb at June 24, 2002 10:06 AM | Send


You are very perceptive. I would like to link up with your site in opposition to feminism and convey my complementary philosophies through the submission of essays/articles and by the promotion of my 563-page book, “Equality: A Man’s Claim.”

Thank you,

Alan Millard

Posted by: Alan Millard on July 10, 2002 3:01 AM
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