Damage from “dirty bomb” would only be “economic”

The danger posed by “dirty bombs” is vastly overrated, writes Iain Murray at Tech Central Station. Yet as you read through his article, you’re not so assured. After declaring that there’s not much to worry about from these bombs, Mr. Murray lets on that one such bomb could render a significant portion of a city, such as the National Mall in Washington, D.C., uninhabitable for thousands of years. But that’s not anything to worry about, he hastens to inform us, since the damage would only be “economic.”

All in all, Mr. Murray seems to have no sense of how crippling such an event, and the threat of more to come, would be. With his detached, abstract handling of the issue, he gives the impression of being located somewhere off the planet Earth. But perhaps that’s what’s entailed by a “technological” approach to human and social problems.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 11, 2002 06:08 PM | Send


Economic danger is other thing that really matters to him and many others. Similarly, the same is felt on the ‘left’ who veiledly suggest that we should care about terrorism because we are a rich country—as if giving aid alone can stop civilizational conflicts. Bin Laden himself suggested that if the US is hit with a resession due to his attacks we will simply give up.

Posted by: John on June 11, 2002 9:09 PM


Posted by: John on June 11, 2002 9:09 PM
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