An oddity of the

An oddity of the coverage of the current sex scandals in the Catholic Church is the persistent use of the term “pedophilia” for homosexual predation that involves adolescents and young men rather than children.

Another is the mantra that homosexuals are no more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexuals. If that’s so why is there no North American Man-Girl Love Association? There’s a footnoted study by NARTH that covers what I think are the basic points:

Gay advocates correctly state that most child molesters are heterosexual males. But this is a misleading statement. In proportion to their numbers (about 1 out of 36 men), homosexual males are more likely to engage in sex with minors: in fact, they appear to be three times more likely than straight men to engage in adult-child sexual relations (footnote). And this does not take into account the cases of homosexual child abuse which are unreported. NARTH’s Executive Director Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, for example, says that about one-third of his 400 adult homosexual clients said they had experienced some form of homosexual abuse before the age of consent, but only two of those cases had been reported.

While no more than 2% of male adults are homosexual, some studies indicate that approximately 35% of pedophiles are homosexual (footnote). Further, since homosexual pedophiles victimize far more children than do heterosexual pedophiles (footnote), it is estimated that approximately 80% of pedophilic victims are boys who have been molested by adult males (footnote).

So it appears once again that media sympathies, pressure groups and political correctness are uniting to keep the obvious off the public stage.
Posted by Jim Kalb at April 21, 2002 06:43 AM | Send

Now, I hate Fags, but I see nothing wrong with man-girl love, or girl-woman love, so long as both parties have the emotional capacity to understand their situattion.

Posted by: Eddie Thomas Keller on March 1, 2004 3:12 PM
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